Hello, I am having a lot of trouble with nested macros and abilities for my NPC. I hate oppening the character sheet of the PNJ as a DM, since it slows a lot the game even if the server was fast which is not, specially in rush hours. Because of this I nest my macros so that with a token button I can roll a full attack, and the macro will ask me if I am using power attack, vital strike, , divine favor, etc. So there are a lot of nested rolls and queries that repeat for each attack. Until recently I was using them whithin tables with more or less success although it shocked me that exactly the same macro will sometimes work and sometimes not. See the atached screenshot. Both rolls are done with the same button. Now that my NPC are level 10+ it is a nightmare, since the more lines the table has, the more likely is that it gets one of these random bugs on reading properly the macro. Macro that always work perfectly in a single attack. So I decided to change my approach to my macros and use several consecutive tables, in order to avoid this. So now I want to do macros like the following one: Note that on the last image each row is a different table, so I can avoid the aforementioned problem. But now I have a different problem. If I add more attacks to the macro it won't work at all. This is what the text of the macro is: &{template:pf_attack} {{color=@{0_color}}}{{header_image=@{0_image1}}} {{name= @{Nombre} FULL TWF }} {{ at - confirm = dmg _ critDmg _sneak}} %{@{character_name}|w1_1} %{@{character_name}|w1_2} %{@{character_name}|w1_3} %{@{character_name}|w1_4} If I use more than 3 of the table attacks %{@{character_name}|w1_1} the macro does not work. I can change the order or repeat the same attack, with exactly the same result. More than 3 attacks make the macro useless. So I am guessing that there is a maximum number of nested macros allowed. Is this right? If so, is it the same for subscriptors than for free users?