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Pathfinder GM looking for someone to teach me roll20

Title says it all. I prefer to GM. However, I dont know how to use Roll20 and would love it if someone would like to train a new person willing to GM for the community. 
Just create campaign and have a go. I joined a week or so and just played with it. It really only took a day or so and a few qquestions to work it out. The main thing that confused me initially was to have the right layer set on the tab: map layer when putting on maps, switch to token layer for everything else.
I'd say a good place to start would be to create a campaign for just yourself to mess around with, then open up the Help & Docs and start reading and experimenting. Possibly do a sort of game wherein you play both sides to help learn how it all comes together.  That or grab a player or two so that you can double-check that you're doing it right (for things that should and shouldn't be visible to them).
I am going to do just that! Thanks guys. Roll20 seems nice so far.  Thanks again!
Send me a message if you get a campaign up and running. I'd be down.
id like to join a campaign :D
Another thing I'd say is that Voice option doesn't seem to function. So use Skype in tandam: that seems to be what everyone else does.
I am learning and have chosen to start with something from The Old Margreve in Midgard. So far it seems the interface is easier than others I have played with. I am pretty sure I will use the dynamic lighting feature but when I am more comfy I will upgrade so I can get it. Have to remember what layer I am new mantra :-)
I want to learn how to play as well, please invite me.
Hello there Chris. I am an avid member of the Roll20 system and I enjoy playing pathfinder witches. &nbsp;I am also a computer tech and I know a lot about the Roll20 system. &nbsp;I would be willing to trade a potential spot in a future upcoming game that you GM in return for training you to use Roll20 better. Let me know if this interests you by replying to <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Respectfully, CodeNameGeek
email sent
swampedbybunnies said: Another thing I'd say is that Voice option doesn't seem to function. So use Skype in tandam: that seems to be what everyone else does. It looks like most people are playing on Hangouts. I need to get a new webcam this week.&nbsp;
I would also like to join if possible