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PF compendium lacking?


Edited 1520100355
I'm kinda new to using Roll20 to it's full potential, for past two years there was no reason for me to use most of it's features because one of my players couldn't see any images and this we were not using tokens or maps, but since we found a workaround for that I started playing with everything the site has to offer. One of things that was a very pleasant surprise for me was the drag-drop compendium thingy for creating NPC's/monsters, however I know for a fact that there are some NPCs on d20pfsrd that the compendium lacks. Or maybe I'm just derping out and there's something obvious I didn't notice? For example NPC's like bandits, acolytes, barbarian raiders, basically every NPC that is not a monster.  Is the compendium simply not finished, it's not present there due to copyrights, do I need to buy some extra packets or I'm just stupid and missing something? Title says PF but for the clarity: I'm talking about Pathfinder compendium.

Edited 1520102409
Sheet Author
AFAIK; when the Pathfinder compendium was first created on roll20 (2+ years ago...) users could add/edit the content similar to a wiki.  This caused a lot of problems and eventually the compendium became locked and was basically left in limbo.  The 5e compendium was soon added which was created and controlled "in-house" by Roll20.  ie WOTC licensing. It was hinted at that the PF compndium would get a similar makeover, but a timeline was never given... Well, it was  just announced  that Roll20 and Paizo have FINALLY worked something out and we will soon be seeing official Paizo content integrated into Roll20.  ie character sheet, compendium, adventure paths, etc. If you are using the regular Pathfinder sheet and are a Pro subscriber, you can use the  Pathfinder Companion script to import text-based statblocks from the srd. ;-)  
Oh, my, GOODNESS! This script is nothing short of absolutely AMAZING, thank You SO MUCH! This gonna make my life so much easier!
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
Glad you like it :)

Edited 1520112130
Hi.  Excuse me for butting in but I was just about to post about the PF compendium myself.  Our group has started a Pathfinder campaign but we've found the compendium to be depressingly limited.  As an example, I can't play an Oracle because none of the information is in there.  Weirdly, two Oracle-only spells are.  I have access to Pro as my partner is a subscriber but the word script makes me nervous.   Is there an idiot-proof explanation anywhere for how to use the script you've mentioned; I'm worried about buggering it up.  :O EDIT:  I did follow the link above then took one look and my brain started to melt.  I am not a clever kitty.  
Well, I don't know if I am able to help You, I'm using this script solely for importing NPCs from d20pfsrd (at least for now) but We do have an Oracle in our group, the player just had to type everything in manually and use as a source. Took a couple of minutes but once she was done we just started playing.
Sheet Author
The compendium is missing lot's of info.  You're basically limited to using drag/drop for spells, equipment, feats, and monsters. Anything else, you will need to enter it on the sheet by hand.  Also, you can always drag/drop similar entries and edit on the sheet to compensate not having the exact entry.  There is a  user's guide for the PFC script that should help immensely.  

Edited 1520118155
Thanks people, I appreciate your input, but enter all that by hand, seriously???  "Took a couple of minutes" she must type at the speed of light; I started doing that but realised that sitting there for ages typing every single word of several pages of info was seriously not what I wanted to do.  I mean, just typing up the abilities from the mystery is several hundred words, never mind every bit of class info.  Entering that by hand would take forever and I really don't have the spoons.  EDIT:  That is, unless you mean she copy-pasted, which is not quite the same as typing by hand. I could try that but still have the second problem, as mentioned below.   Also, @Vince, I've tried but failed even to enter the curse because I don't know how.  By that, I mean that 'Oracle's Curse' is a class ability, but then I have to choose one.  Do I have to type in 'Oracle's Curse' as a class feature and then add another feature for the actual curse I'm taking?  That's the sort of thing I'm confused about.   Well, that and everything else; I can't even get it to add up my skills ranks correctly. No idea what I'm missing there  :( EDIT:  I've been using HeroLab but that doesn't have available all of the sources I'm using from the PFSRD.  Also, I don't know how to update from HeroLab without it ruining all the effort I put into sorting out the attacks and things.  

Edited 1520118333
Sheet Author
Hopefully the compendium will eventually add the additional content... I normally open the srd in another tab, look up an ability, class feature, etc.  Add/create the appropriate ability on the sheet and just copy/paste info from the srd.  I do as little typing as possible.  ;-)  You can add your curses as class features(really just for informational purposes) and depending on the curse, create a buff that handles the attribute adjustments.  What issues are you having with skill ranks?  Use HL import before you do any editing on the sheet.  Using HL again after that will probably mess things up... You can PM me if needed.

Edited 1520119673
Wh-... why would You write everything by hand if you can copy-paste? And why several pages of info? Just type the mystery name and then the picked revelation separately, not all of them, there's no need to re-create the entire d20pfsrd entry in the character sheet, just the crucial stuff.
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
Hi Kit, The PFC is actually pretty straightforward to use. It is pretty difficult to screw up a game using it. There is a user's manual on google docs (the link is in the thread that Vince linked to). I am always happy to answer questions and take feedback as well in the script's forum thread. As for the difficulty of inputting everything for an oracle. As has already been mentioned, the complete text of an ability doesn't need to be entered. You can simply note the high points in the description on the roll20 sheet, and then include a link to the d20pfsrd page for it via the  markdown syntax . This link can even be what you put in as the ability name. When it comes to spells, classes like oracles and clerics that have access to their entire spell lists when they prepare spells at the beginning of each day require some acceptance of technological limitations. It is possible to enter the entire class spell list in as spells on your character's sheet, however you will find that your sheet (and probably the game as a whole) will become extremely laggy. It is much better practice to simply add the spells that you routinely use, and then add any additional ones that you might memorize for a day of in game time when you actually memorize them. I hope that helps, Scott
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Kit said: Also, @Vince, I've tried but failed even to enter the curse because I don't know how.  By that, I mean that 'Oracle's Curse' is a class ability, but then I have to choose one.  Do I have to type in 'Oracle's Curse' as a class feature and then add another feature for the actual curse I'm taking?  That's the sort of thing I'm confused about.      That is up to you. You can if you want, or you can ignore the base curse ability. I think most users ignore it. You can use the Custom tab to create a calculated value for the # of curses you should have at your level, and use that as a reference. But that's probably not necessary since you'll only use it when leveling . Anything not immediately obvious can be ignored. You don't need the buff "type" dropdown, that's just to help organize them if you have a lot. Like you don't have to even select "class" or "Feat", or even put (Sp), (Su) etc on abilities if you don't want to. But if you don't and you need to know because someone wants to make an attack of opportunity against you while using the ability, you'll have to go look it up. The only thing that affects the sheet and values are things that you expect to: like whether a piece of equipment is worn or not will affect encumbrance, but the other values like "magic","consumable" are not important except for ease of organization.  For spells, the spell level will affect DC. etc. But if you leave spell descriptions blank, it won't hurt anything.