Hey guys, is there a macro for the OGL character sheet that simple carries out one of the attacks in the character sheet. I know shaped sheet does this and I was wondering it it was possible to do with a PC OGL sheet.
Kryx said:
Nope, there are 3 sheets, Shaped, OGL, and community. Drag and drop works on Shaped and OGL. Shaped has a universal drop area on the next release.
Huh? I think you're confused. Shaped and OGL have a feature to drag content from the compendium while community doesn't.Blue64 said:
I think the Drag & Drop is likely why I picked Community over Shaped, I think I heard about the "upcoming" release of the Drag & Drop and I just went "nah"
Community has Compendium support now? cool.Blue64 said:
I did it just about 5 hours ago, gotta drag to the correct area, such as the NPC Sheet, or the Spell Slot, but I can totally Drag & Drop onto the Community Sheet, although it's likely a bit more limited than Shaped due to Shaped having a Sheet Author that's not retired from it.
Kryx said:
Community has Compendium support now? cool.Blue64 said:
I did it just about 5 hours ago, gotta drag to the correct area, such as the NPC Sheet, or the Spell Slot, but I can totally Drag & Drop onto the Community Sheet, although it's likely a bit more limited than Shaped due to Shaped having a Sheet Author that's not retired from it.
What I was saying above is you won't have to drop to the "correct area" on the next version of Shaped - it'll do it automatically.
Next version handles it when dropped straight to the sheet, but even the old version handles everything that the compendium delivers (weapons, armor, npcs, spells, etc).Kryx said:
What I was saying above is you won't have to drop to the "correct area" on the next version of Shaped - it'll do it automatically.
drop_ without any of the Context, here's what every line with that specific match reads: <input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_category" accept="Category"> <input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_name" accept="Name"> <input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_weight" accept="Weight"> <input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_properties" accept="Properties"> <input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_modifiers" accept="Modifiers"> <input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_content" accept="Content"> <input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_itemtype" accept="Item Type"> <input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_damage" accept="Damage"> <input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_damagetype" accept="Damage Type"> <input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_range" accept="Range"> <input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_ac" accept="AC"> <input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_speed" accept="Speed"> <input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_str" accept="STR"> <input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_dex" accept="DEX"> <input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_con" accept="CON"> <input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_int" accept="INT"> <input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_wis" accept="WIS"> <input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_cha" accept="CHA"> <input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_vulnerabilities" accept="Vulnerabilities"> <input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_resistances" accept="Resistances"> <input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_immunities" accept="Immunities"> <input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_condition_immunities" accept="Condition Immunities"> <input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_languages" accept="Languages"> <input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_challenge_rating" accept="Challenge Rating"> <input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_size" accept="Size"> <input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_type" accept="Type"> <input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_alignment" accept="Alignment"> <input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_hp" accept="HP"> <input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_saving_throws" accept="Saving Throws"> <input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_senses" accept="Senses"> <input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_passive_perception" accept="Passive Perception"> <input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_skills" accept="Skills"> <input type="hidden" name="attr_drop_token_size" accept="Token Size"> on("change:drop_category", function(eventinfo) { handle_drop_monster(eventinfo.newValue); var handle_drop_monster = function(category, eventinfo) { drop_attrs = ["drop_name","drop_weight","drop_properties", "drop_modifiers","drop_content","drop_itemtype", "drop_damage","drop_damagetype","drop_damage2", "drop_damagetype2","drop_range","drop_ac", "drop_speed", "drop_str", "drop_dex", "drop_con", "drop_int", "drop_wis", "drop_cha", "drop_vulnerabilities", "drop_resistances", "drop_immunities", "drop_condition_immunities", "drop_languages", "drop_challenge_rating", "drop_size", "drop_type", "drop_alignment", "drop_hp", "drop_saving_throws", "drop_senses", "drop_passive_perception", "drop_skills", "drop_token_size", "character_id"] getAttrs(drop_attrs, function(v) { if(v["drop_name"] && v["drop_name"] != "") {update["character_name"] = v["drop_name"]}; update["npc_strength"] = v["drop_str"] ? v["drop_str"] : ""; update["npc_dexterity"] = v["drop_dex"] ? v["drop_dex"] : ""; update["npc_constitution"] = v["drop_con"] ? v["drop_con"] : ""; update["npc_intelligence"] = v["drop_int"] ? v["drop_int"] : ""; update["npc_wisdom"] = v["drop_wis"] ? v["drop_wis"] : ""; update["npc_charisma"] = v["drop_cha"] ? v["drop_cha"] : ""; if(v["drop_saving_throws"] && v["drop_saving_throws"] != "") { var savearray = v["drop_saving_throws"].split(", "); update["npc_size"] = v["drop_size"] ? v["drop_size"] : ""; update["npc_type"] = v["drop_type"] ? v["drop_type"] : ""; update["npc_alignment"] = v["drop_alignment"] ? v["drop_alignment"] : ""; if(v["drop_ac"]) { if(v["drop_ac"].indexOf("(") > -1) { update["npc_ac"] = v["drop_ac"].split(" (")[0]; update["npc_AC_note"] = v["drop_ac"].split(" (")[1].slice(0, -1); update["npc_ac"] = v["drop_ac"]; if(v["drop_hp"]) { if(v["drop_hp"].indexOf("(") > -1) { update["npc_HP"] = v["drop_hp"].split(" (")[0]; update["npc_HP_max"] = v["drop_hp"].split(" (")[0]; //update["npc_HP_max"] = v["drop_hp"].split(" (")[1].slice(0, -1); update["npc_HP"] = v["drop_hp"] update["npc_HP_max"] = v["drop_hp"] if(v["drop_speed"]) { speed_match = speed.exec(v["drop_speed"]) fly_match = fly.exec(v["drop_speed"]) climb_match = climb.exec(v["drop_speed"]) swim_match = swim.exec(v["drop_speed"]) if(v["drop_challenge_rating"] && v["drop_challenge_rating"] != "") { update["npc_challenge"] = v["drop_challenge_rating"]; switch(v["drop_challenge_rating"]) { update["npc_senses"] = v["drop_senses"] ? v["drop_senses"] : ""; update["npc_languages"] = v["drop_languages"] ? v["drop_languages"] : ""; update["npc_damage_resistance"] = v["drop_resistances"] ? v["drop_resistances"] : ""; update["npc_damage_vulnerability"] = v["drop_vulnerabilities"] ? v["drop_vulnerabilities"] : ""; update["npc_damage_immunity"] = v["drop_immunities"] ? v["drop_immunities"] : ""; update["npc_condition_immunity"] = v["drop_condition_immunities"] ? v["drop_condition_immunities"] : ""; update["npc_traits"] = v["drop_content"] ? v["drop_content"] : ""; if(v["drop_skills"] && v["drop_skills"] != "") { skillarray = v["drop_skills"].split(", "); callbacks.push( function() {cleanup_drop_fields();} ); var cleanup_drop_fields = function() { update["drop_name"] = ""; update["drop_weight"] = ""; update["drop_properties"] = ""; update["drop_modifiers"] = ""; update["drop_content"] = ""; update["drop_itemtype"] = ""; update["drop_damage"] = ""; update["drop_damagetype"] = ""; update["drop_range"] = ""; update["drop_ac"] = ""; update["drop_category"] = ""; update["drop_speed"] = ""; update["drop_str"] = ""; update["drop_dex"] = ""; update["drop_con"] = ""; update["drop_int"] = ""; update["drop_wis"] = ""; update["drop_cha"] = ""; update["drop_vulnerabilities"] = ""; update["drop_resistances"] = ""; update["drop_immunities"] = ""; update["drop_condition_immunities"] = ""; update["drop_languages"] = ""; update["drop_challenge_rating"] = ""; update["drop_size"] = ""; update["drop_type"] = ""; update["drop_alignment"] = ""; update["drop_hp"] = ""; update["drop_saving_throws"] = ""; update["drop_senses"] = ""; update["drop_passive_perception"] = ""; update["drop_skills"] = ""; update["drop_token_size"] = "";the Attributes will get spammed with the "drop_" Attributes, which as you can see, get marked as Empty, so it's just empty space that hogs up room, good idea to clean that bit up for the slower users with less powerful computers/connections, they'll be at the bottom of the List. Loading times for the sheet can get bogged down from having too many variables to load when opening the sheet, and possibly during initial launch.