Hello all~ Thanks in advance for any help on this issue! I am using the Pathfinder sheet in game (the one named just Pathfinder), and using it alongside the excellent companion script for it. I have probably.. six games set up like this, and a favorite macro of mine is to use group roll macro: !pfc --grouproll,roll=?{Roll|Initiative,initiative?{Sort or Clear|Sort,,sort|Clear,,clear|Neither,}|Fortitude Save|Reflex Save|Will Save|Acrobatics|Appraise|Bluff|Climb|Craft|Diplomacy|Disable Device|Disguise|Escape Artist|Fly|Handle Animal|Heal|Intimidate|Knowledge Arcana,Arcana|Knowledge Dungeoneering,Dungeoneering|Knowledge Engineering,engineering|Knowledge Geography,geography|Knowledge History,history|Knowledge Local,local|Knowledge Nobility,nobility|Knowledge Planes,planes|Knowledge Religion,religion|Linguistics|Perception|Perform|Profession|Ride|Sense Motive|Sleight of Hand|stealth|Survival|Swim|Use Magic Device|Misc} I grabbed the macro from the script's documentation: Script Companion So it works great, but I wanted a group roll for secret rolls. So, according to the companion document, all I have to do is add ',whisper' to the end. And it works GREAT... in *one* campaign only. I can't seem to reproduce it at all and there is my problem. Even if I copy/paste the same macro to this other campaign, it refuses to work. If I copy and paste directly from the document, and test the macro before saving it.... it works. But as soon as I save the macro, and if I either test or use it any other way, it will not show all of the options. Below are screenshots to illustrate. In order: 1st image is a brand new macro, copy and pasted macro text. 2nd is the test macro output, selecting a character token, and how it SHOULD look. Then we have the macro text after 'save changes' - it formats the text a bit, but in my other campaign (where it works) it does the same thing and that doesn't seem to be a problem. The fourth image is the macro output. And with that output, if I select 'initiative', THEN I see the menu for all of the other skills/saves I can roll.... but then it rolls them as initiative?? So.. I apologize for a bulky post, but I have literally no idea why this isn't working correctly and I'd really appreciate even a second pair of eyes on it! Thank you again!