Welcome everyone, welcome to the home of ScenarioSwitcher! Imagine an overview map of a town with a token for the party. and once you click on a button, what you were seeing disappears and the image of a tavern is there instead. and you click another button and back to the map you go - the token for the party back to where you left it. then the party moves along the overview map towards the market, and at the press of a button, everyone sees a top-down view of the market, and a bunch of merchants. and all of this happens in the same page, quicker than you can say tnetennba. Or maybe you have a map in a city with multiple height levels. as the party is on a roof, they will see what is below as well as the roof across the street (that is at the same height as their position). as they descend to a lower balcony the roof across the street will no longer be completely visible. Here the dynamic light layer paths were changed, with one button press. No more moving tokens all the time, no dynamic light that is completly static, no 3 versions of the same page cluttering up your campaign. Sound good? then this script might be a good fit for you! QUICK FUNCTIONALITY INFO * This Script allows for a quick change between different scenarios in a map: this means that you can quickly make visible one of many combinations of tokens in your map, if you prepare these combinations in advance. * This includes changing the paths from the dynamic light layer, making things visible/hiden with ease. * Combine scenarios at will! * Main limitation: This script needs the token bar 1 to work. this means you can only use it with tokens that are not using bar 1 for anything else. you can use bar 1 on any tokens that are not flagged to be changed by this script though. * The flagged elements will be switched between the dynamic light layer and the other layers, creating clean looking abundance of possibilities. A VIDEO EXAMPLE OF THE SCRIPT IN ACTION A video has been created to show how the script works after being set-up. Use the time stamps of the video to get a very quick idea about how the script works. <a href="https://youtu.be/hmULjEdofWU" rel="nofollow">https://youtu.be/hmULjEdofWU</a> GUIDES TO THE SCRIPT There are two video guides available and two written guides. The video guides are meant to be very simple to follow and explain all the essentials - but this makes them quite long. also, updating video guides is quite time consuming, so these should be considered outdated references. I suggest reading the basic written guide and using the videos if any questions arise. The second written guide is meant for more advanced uses of the script. The basic written guide can be found under: <a href="https://app.roll20.net/forum/permalink/6223040/" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/forum/permalink/6223040/</a> There are time-stamps on all the videos, to help you skim through the info. I suggest watching the videos at 1.5x speed, as it cuts the time by a good deal and everything is still understandable. These videos should be considered references that are a bit outdated, as creating new videos is very time consuming. The video guide for setting up token switchers can be found under: <a href="https://youtu.be/TCPH_s5p-rc" rel="nofollow">https://youtu.be/TCPH_s5p-rc</a> The video guide for setting up dynamic light paths switchers can be found under: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxjLDgoITlo&" rel="nofollow">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxjLDgoITlo&</a> The advanced written guide can be found under: <a href="https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/6251757/guide-sc" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/6251757/guide-sc</a>... INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS 1. add API to library - this means create a New Script, paste in all the code, save script 2. inside your game, send the following to the chat: !ScenarioSwitcherSetup 2a. if you want, a couple of example tokens will appear in the map with the player ribbon by sending the command !ScenarioSwitcherExampleToken (2a cont.) please save the script once more after the example tokens are set-up. 3. the script is now set-up and ready to use. a necessary character was automatically created in this setup. LINK TO SCRIPT Current Version: v1.5 Please consider that updating from previous versions to v1.4+ requires running set-up again. For this, simply follow the instructions above one more time. The Script code can be found under: <a href="https://gist.github.com/gui8311/77b67b3687b8f8fba54c446ff7026337" rel="nofollow">https://gist.github.com/gui8311/77b67b3687b8f8fba54c446ff7026337</a> KNOWN ISSUES 1) Deleting the ScenarioSwitcher from the Journal will detach all command tokens from this character. This stays like this, even after the character is created again, which would require to manually re-link all command tokens. In a future update I plan to include a way to mass re-link all command tokens. For this future step I recommend naming the token with the format: ScenarioSwitcher* [the name you want] An Example would be: ScenarioSwitcher* Castle of the Bat For now I suggest never deleting the original ScenarioSwitcher character - if there are problems with it they should be originating from the macros; from v1.4+ just run the setup again, and your ScenarioSwitcher character should be reverted to its default state, with no unlinking happening. I am sorry for the hassle of renaming all Command Tokens. It is not obligatory, it never will be - but it will allow me to implement this valuable safety net functionality in the future and if you do not re-name your tokens you will forgo this functionality. Nothing of the sort will ever be asked of users again. FEEDBACK AND QUESTIONS All Feedback and questions are welcome. Post here, or if this thread gets closed create a new post and add [gui8312] and [ScenarioSwitcher] to the post so that I can find it easier :) VERSION LOG **V1.0.0 * Release **V1.1.0 * Script now allows for changing dynamic light borders on the go! **V1.2.0+V1.3.0 * Major overhaul simplifying usage of the script drastically. New Formatting required. * Deleted old ScenarioSwitcher Forum Post, because of a bug in the Forums. **V1.3.1 * changed token-setup-reference macro, to be clearer. **V1.3.2 * small stability fix, protecting from wrongly set-up command tokens. **V1.4.0 * stability fix, correcting a problem with unreliable setup. * the symbol / no longer poses a problem when used in flags or descriptions. * please re-run setup if updating to this version from a previous one. **V1.5.0 * A new option has been added: tokens can be sent to a chosen layer, individually. * Unexpectadly fixed the bug with the symbol ] rendering tokens unresponsive. * Added an advanced guide.