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Links on gm layer and links that change map and map position


Edited 1391292275
While working on my campaign I thought it would be use full to tag the rooms with text then link it to the text for that room so I don't have to manually look it up...that would be a great feature (using the text tool on the GM overlay). As well I think it would be nice to have a link that when you clicked it would take you to a different map, or if you dropped your token on it it would move that token to another map and or location (i.e. stairs, portals, even pit traps.) this would allow the dm much more flexibility and make the maps a bit more dynamic imo. and I wouldn't have to move them map to map manually. one last feature I would love to see is an overall campaign selection and setup that would save to all maps, I tire of changing the basic setting of each map I create, for example the movement setting. reveal on drop etc. yes its nice to have the ability to change these settings, but defining our own defualts would be prefered.
Forum Champion
Regarding duplicating settings, my suggestion would be to set up a default map and then duplicate that map's settings (hit Duplicate Map in the page toolbar). Regarding moving around the map the API (a Mentor level feature) can do this. However, I am not sure if it can move players from map to map but you may want to check with the API forum.
Thanks I will check it out :)