I think the only two plots that Leo really needs to be here for are the time travel business, and dealing with his father (and finding out about his mother). Both of those feel like they can be closed off within a few more sessions (depending...). If that's the case, I plan to have Leo become a paragon of the city. In-story, he's got a plan for the future (doesn't he always?) and will explain it. He's going to invent a robot-driven solarpunk post-scarcity world where everyone can be happy. There's more to it than that, and he has some specific near-future ideas which I'm proud of, but yeah. Out-of-story, it feels like we've figured out who and what Leo Snow really is, what kind of hero Link intends to be, and so on. I feel that's the point where a Masks PC ought to graduate, whatever else is going on. So what then? I feel there's a lot more to do in this game world, and I want to continue doing it. The most logical new PC would be Summer Newman (who still needs a code name of some kind), probably using the Janus playbook. I mention this early so people can give feedback, start thinking about how their PC would connect with Summer, and so on. If someone has another PC idea they'd rather see me pick up, let's talk about it! I want to hear your idea.