If anyone has been around Roll20 LFG long enough, they know that every 6 months or so I get the itch to run a nice, oldschool, lethal dungeon crawl. This is a fairly simple and straightforward game, not a full campaign but more like a 6- to 8-session dungeon delve for 9th level characters. Consider this thread more checking interest than putting together a solid group, if there is enough response though, it could get going sooner. Important details: The way I run this specific game is a bit different than you may be used to. This means most all of your skill checks will be rolled in secret, and in-game actions should be very specific. "I search the hallway for traps" won't cut it here. I've personally tuned almost every enemy and trap in the game to be extra challenging. And most important, if you're not a fan of dungeon crawls, or have a history of flaking from games, this is not the game for you. All applicants should have a solid understanding of D&D in general, and at least a base understanding of 4th Edition, be able to regularly make session times, and should not have run Tomb of Horrors before. Game will be via Skype voice, so mic is mandatory. No text. If you're interested in finding out more or asking questions, you can contact me on Skype: Askren- Tentative session time would probably be Thursday evenings, EST.