Monster of the Week is a very simple system, but there's a great deal of choices available to the players depending on the type of roll being made and the level of success achieved. For example, rolling high enough to Kick Some Ass lets you choose a +1 damage bonus, prevent damage to yourself, OR a roll bonus going forward. I'd rather my players not have to scope the Player Reference every time they roll since they're new to the game, so I'm trying to do the work and code all of these options into macros. Sadly, MotW seems to have no templates I can use, so I rebuilt the MotW sheet in Custom mode in order to make my own template. The question from here: How can I build this template in the simplest way possible? I am decent with macros but have a very limited understanding of the HTML used to create the templates. I'm trying to tinker with a Star Wars Saga Edition template but there's just so much going on that I don't know how to turn it into mine without destroying the code. Here's all I need: A +Skill roll that can be applied to any of the 2d6 rolls in the game A readout for a Failure result (less than 7) A few readouts for a Mixed result (7-9) A few readouts for a Successful result (10-12) That's it! I know I need to be using some #rollbetween stuff, and I get the principle behind it, but I am having a lot of trouble getting how it all fits together. The examples in the wiki aren't helping me very much; they all focus heavily on critical hits, which don't apply in MOTW, making it kinda hard to tell which pieces are vital for functioning templates.