there are a pair of spots open on this campaign... i do have a waiting list and have sent messages to those that are already on it. the game is on sunday so i would really like to have these spots filled. so any new applicants message me here and i will send you an invite ASAP if the spots haven't been taken.
there still is one spot open for this campaign.. i am looking for players who show up regularly and are willing to commit for the long haul. this campaign will be beyond EPIC level. if saving the world (more than once) interests you, and you like the smell of gunpowder and thermite in the morning this campaign may be for you. ( spell casters, especially healers welcome as well although you may have to play as the following races- dwarf, drow, half-elf).
still looking for players, i would like to find a new player who will commit to the campaign. the only downside is that i may not be available until 1-2 hours before game time.. unless you respond very soon.
bump- i have a need for players as i was holding spots for players who were hoping to return to the game, unfortunately i can wait only so long. i have a spot that is open, and there is one person who gets first dibs, but if your interested let me know and maybe you can fill the empty spot.... as mentioned previously i would prefer players who can commit....
still looking for players, i have no problem teaching you how to play in the Darwin's world Campaign. It is a world of my own creation, a deadly Post apocalypse with a growing flair of magic and non-human races. currently one can only play as Human, Half-elven, Dwarf or Drow. Classes limited to PHB only. Spellcasters will unfortunately get no bonus spells due to high ability scores, and Clerics and Druids will have special troubles as the gods and their magic aren't pervasive in this world YET... as stated earlier i prefer older players who have a solid work schedule...
i am still looking for players for this campaign, more urgently as the game is scheduled for tomorrow. not sure if i mentioned it but we are level 7 now. i am available tonight to help anyone who thinks they can commit to make a character...
i am looking for a player to fill a spot on my campaign..we need someone to play our Druid, or some other Healing class.. either from the Darwins world books, or Players handbook.. Healers only!
still looking for a player to preferably play our druid PC companion, or some other Healing class... either from the D&D 3e PHB (players handbook) or the Darwin's world classes. We play on Sundays 7-9 pm mountain time.
no longer looking for a player to run the healer... I think, i am looking for someone interested in playing... for the short term i have a premade Charismatic character that i need a player for (until the original player returns approx 2 months) this would allow you to learn the system, and decide what kind of character you might be interested to make for yourself... ( Game time is tomorrow night at 7PM MTN time... and i will be fairly busy until then.. so respond soon if interested!!!!)