Hi there, following up on a topic I posted on Reddit; https://www.reddit.com/r/Roll20/comments/8eodbg/critical_hit_roll_template/
I had asked:
At our table for critical rolls double the initial hit then add all relevant modifiers.
Is there a way to alter a weapon's attack template to emulate this by default?
•You roll a 20 and your Damage is normally a 1d6+4.
•Normally, a Crit would roll that 1d6 again, giving you 2d6+4
•You, instead, want the number you rolled to be doubled, i.e. if you rolled a 3, it would be (3x2)+4, or 10.
But was told there was no way to do this, perhaps with access to the API & some voodoo I'm not aware of?
Thank you.
I had asked:
At our table for critical rolls double the initial hit then add all relevant modifiers.
Is there a way to alter a weapon's attack template to emulate this by default?
•You roll a 20 and your Damage is normally a 1d6+4.
•Normally, a Crit would roll that 1d6 again, giving you 2d6+4
•You, instead, want the number you rolled to be doubled, i.e. if you rolled a 3, it would be (3x2)+4, or 10.
But was told there was no way to do this, perhaps with access to the API & some voodoo I'm not aware of?
Thank you.