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Update/patch notes

I guess my first question should be: have there been any updates since beta? If so are the notes somewhere (I tried to look for them and failed to find anything)? Also if they're not public then does someone have any knowledge about how ofter the service/software is updated on average?
Forum Champion
LOL quite often. There are minor updates all the time. Bugs are usually the reason for those. There are major updates less frequently but I want to say maybe every 4ish weeks. Right now the dice roller is being revamped. Recently the community forums were revamped. 2-3 months back Dynamic Lighting was pushed to the Main Server after considerable testing on the Dev server.  Note: I am just a Mod and not a Dev so I do not have any say (or necessarily even knowledge) as to the exact timetable. However, this is actively supported by the Devs and they are working in their spare time to improve the system. :) - Gauss
Ok, thanks. So in short minor updates are released all the time (so if I confront a bug it might have been fixed by the next time I use Roll20) and bigger updates about every 1-2 months.
Forum Champion
Well, regarding bugs please report any and all bugs you find so that we may try to solve them and forward them to the Devs. How long it takes to fix any given bug is dependent upon any number of factors though. The hope is that yes, the bug fix time is quick but sometimes it is not.  A note about the 'bigger updates'. They don't always come out at once. As an example: right now the Community Forum update is still a work in progress. As problems appear they get listed and then refinements get made. A good chunk of that is due to user feedback on the new feature. - Gauss
Oh, I didn't mean that I had actually encountered bugs (I have but they're already reported). I just meant it as an example of the actual effect of the iteration time. I plan to be both active and constructive here on Roll20 forums as long as I'm using it and there seems to be dev support to it.