I'm still trying to create something reasonably useful with javascript. Here's my newest attempt: Some kind of simple GM dashboard to display the most important stats for your party (currently OGL sheet only). Something like this: As you can see, it shows if a character has temporary hit points (I always forget about it), if a character is injured, or if he has inspiration (we all forget about our inspiration - so I put in a green/golden star). The script can be found on GitHub . I now better bugger off and go to sleep before anybody has a chance to look more closely to my messy code... ;) Na, just joking - feedback is absolutely welcome! But here's a quick description of all the current features: Roll20-GMSheet Version 0.1.4 A quick GM Cheatsheet for the D&D 5e OGL sheets on Roll20 . Please use !gmsheet -h for inline help and examples. Displayed information The script currently shows name, race, level and (main) class, including the character's avatar inspiration! HP, also indicating temporary hitpoints and injuries speed, passive perception, initiative bonus main abilities + modifiers available spell slots class resources (as stored in the attributes class_resource and other_resource ) Usage Select one or several tokens Type !gmsheet in chat