We kicked of the first session yesterday, 4 great players, one sticky predicament. These guys are basically space cops, but they're missing a pilot, right now their ship is being piloted by a slightly mentally unstable AI system, what they really need is some hands on the stick. Have you got what it takes? Are you a fighter jock turned adventurer? Are you averted to wearing skin tight flight suits? Can you hack it? More importantly are you reliable? Do you have a mic and can you attend at the stated times, weekly? No shrinking violets please, its always strange joining a group but these guys will make you feel at home. So, any takers? Google Ashen Stars to find out what it's all about, it runs on the Gumshoe system so its very investigative, story first, dice rolling second. Post your reply to me, or preferably, here. https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/11008/dead-rock... Give me a concept, the winners will be in for next week.