I've ran into a roadblock I cannot seem to get around. Sending any text to API where a carriage return is used only sends the first line. For example on the character sheet I have this block of html (trimmed down to important parts): <fieldset class="repeating_cast">
<button type='roll' value='!cast --@{CASTdesc}' name='roll_CastCheck' /></button>
<textarea class="sheet-casttext" name="attr_CASTdesc"></textarea>
The important parts is the button that sends an API command of " !cast --@{CASTdesc}" Where @{CASTdesc} is the textarea. And the text area, which could have for example inside it: One
Three Problem is the API message sent, only sees "One". If I make the textarea on the sheet say: One Two Three It reads it all. Anyone know a fix/workaround for this?