I have a roll template. What I want to do is roll a number of shots from a gun (3 in this case), using a recoil modifier against the 2nd and 3rd rolls. I want the players to enter range and other modifiers ONCE. So "target" reflects the skill and the +/- modifiers and "target" is used by 2nd and 3rd rolls with a recoil modifier to reflect greater difficulty hitting. Here is the code. It's on one line, but I've broken it up here for readability. I'm receiving this error "No attribute was found for @{Pup Cal|target}", where Pup Cal is character name. I tried selected|target, but that means the token must be selected before the roll is made, which I'd rather not force them to do. Is this possible? Can I get past above error without token selection? <td><button type="roll" value="&{template:twilight} {{charactername=@{Name}}} {{title=@{WeaponName1}}} {{rolltype=Semi-Automatic}} {{skillvalue=@{WeaponAsset1}}} {{target=[[@{WeaponAsset1}+?{Range Modifier|0}+?{Other Modifiers|0}]]}} {{outstanding=[[@{WeaponAsset1}+?{Range Modifier|0}+?{Other Modifiers|0}-10]]}} {{catastrophic=[[@{WeaponAsset1}+?{Range Modifier|0}+?{Other Modifiers|0}+10]]}} {{attacktest=[[1d20]]}} {{hitlocation=[[1d10]]}} {{target1=[[@{target} - @{WeaponRecoilBurst1}]]}} {{outstanding1=[[@{target} - @{WeaponRecoilBurst1}-10]]}} {{catastrophic1=[[@{target} - @{WeaponRecoilBurst1}+10]]}} {{attacktest1=[[1d20]]}} {{hitlocation1=[[1d10]]}} {{target2=[[@{target1} - @{WeaponRecoilBurst1}]]}} { {outstanding2=[[@{target1} - @{WeaponRecoilBurst1}-10]]}} {{catastrophic2=[[@{target1} - @{WeaponRecoilBurst1}+10]]}} {{attacktest2=[[1d20]]}} {{hitlocation2=[[1d10]]}}