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Playing monster characters...

I'm designing a D&D 5E campaign which allows players to be monster characters. Of course, monsters are too powerful as level 1 characters - but bear with me, it's for the sake of the story! I'm using monsters from the Monster manual, using them as they are (i.e. they have the same feats, armour, weapons, feats and abilities). However, I need to change their stats to make them more 'on-par' with normal level 1 characters. Could someone suggest level 1 stats (HP, damage, etc) for the following creatures: - Centaur - Satyr - Succubus - Lamia (human above the waist, snake below the waist) I don't wish to increase the DR of the campaign to match the monsters, hence my request for suggestions to bring down their stats. I don't mind approximate values either, at least I'll have something to work and experiment on, now I have nothing.
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
This is question better asked in a D&D focused forum or similar, and doesn't fall within  Roll20 Community Code of Conduct: Intended Use: The Roll20 Forums exist to discuss topics directly related to the use of the Roll20 program and Roll20 systems. Anything that more fittingly could be discussed on another website should be discussed there. But I'll add my two cents anyway. Will the players be able to gain class levels, or remain with monster stats? For ease of play, I'd rework some CR 1/4 creatures and existing race options(Official and Unearthed Arcana) as base template, giving them some similar range of stats as starting point. It's not that big of a deal if they are not equivalent to lvl.1 characters, as long as the players don't feel they feel they are on equal footing or had a chance for it. 1.There is a recent UA released for the centaur, 2.satyr could be and slightly changed elf with pan instrument proficiency and charm person 1/day, dex probably being their main stat 3. succubus could be some mix of tieflings and elves what comes to stats and abilities, charisma being their main stat  4. look up some lizardfolsk and give some small lamia-esque power?
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Hi Talia, as Andreas rightly says: From the Roll20 Community Code of Conduct : The Roll20 Forums exist to discuss topics directly related to the use of the Roll20 program. Anything that more fittingly could be discussed on another website SHOULD be discussed there. Here are some good places to discuss this topic: /r/rpg /r/dnd Luckily he has also given some great advice before I close this thread ;)