Ahoy all (first post, bear with me), I recently got my druid up to high enough level to learn the Conjure Animals. I figured that with the option to summon 8 up to 8 different animals it might take some time to handle rolls for hits and attacks and all that, so I went looking for a macro to help out. I was unfortunately not able to find one that did what I wanted, and ended up putting one together for myself. I'm not what you'd call an experienced programmer, so this might not be the most efficient way of doing it, but it gets the job done. It will require some tweaking based on what you're summoning, but I'll go over that too. There are two macros: one to roll for hits, and one to roll for damage. Rolling to hit: /em commands her conjured animals to attack using ?{Animal Attack| Elk Ram, Elk Ram (+?{To Hit|4} to hit)| Elk Hooves, Elk Hooves (+?{To Hit|5} to hit)| Wolf Bite,Wolf Bite (+?{To Hit|4} to hit)| Giant Goat Ram,Giant Goat Ram (+?{To Hit|5} to hit)| Warhorse Hooves,Warhorse Hooves (+?{To Hit|6} to hit)| Brown Bear Bite,Brown Bear Bite (+?{To Hit|5} to hit)| Brown Bear Claws,Brown Bear Claws (+?{To Hit|5} to hit)| Crag Cat Bite,Crag Cat Bite (+?{To Hit|5} to hit)| Crag Cat Claw,Crag Cat Claw (+?{To Hit|5} to hit)| Dire Wolf Bite,Dire Wolf Bite (+?{To Hit|5} to hit)| Giant Eagle Beak,Giant Eagle Beak (+?{To Hit|5} to hit)| Giant Eagle Talons,Giant Eagle Talons (+?{To Hit|5} to hit)| Cave Bear Bite,Cave Bear Bite (+?{To Hit|7} to hit)| Cave Bear Claws,Cave Bear Claws (+?{To Hit|7} to hit)| Giant Elk Ram,Giant Elk Ram (+?{To Hit|6} to hit)| Giant Elk Hooves,Giant Elk Hooves (+?{To Hit|6} to hit)| Custom Animal, Custom Animal (+?{To Hit|4} to hit)}: !?{Roll Type|Standard,?{Die|1d20}?{Info|Standard Roll}|Advantage,?{Die|2d20kh1}?{Info|Rolling with Advantage}|Disadvantage,?{Die|2d20kl1}?{Info|Rolling with Disadvantage}} ?{Info} ?{Number of Attackers| 1, [[?{Die}+?{To Hit}]] | 2, [[?{Die}+?{To Hit}]], [[?{Die}+?{To Hit}]] | 3, [[?{Die}+?{To Hit}]], [[?{Die}+?{To Hit}]], [[?{Die}+?{To Hit}]] | 4, [[?{Die}+?{To Hit}]], [[?{Die}+?{To Hit}]], [[?{Die}+?{To Hit}]], [[?{Die}+?{To Hit}]] | 5, [[?{Die}+?{To Hit}]], [[?{Die}+?{To Hit}]], [[?{Die}+?{To Hit}]], [[?{Die}+?{To Hit}]], [[?{Die}+?{To Hit}]] | 6, [[?{Die}+?{To Hit}]], [[?{Die}+?{To Hit}]], [[?{Die}+?{To Hit}]], [[?{Die}+?{To Hit}]], [[?{Die}+?{To Hit}]], [[?{Die}+?{To Hit}]] | 7, [[?{Die}+?{To Hit}]], [[?{Die}+?{To Hit}]], [[?{Die}+?{To Hit}]], [[?{Die}+?{To Hit}]], [[?{Die}+?{To Hit}]], [[?{Die}+?{To Hit}]], [[?{Die}+?{To Hit}]] | 8, [[?{Die}+?{To Hit}]], [[?{Die}+?{To Hit}]], [[?{Die}+?{To Hit}]], [[?{Die}+?{To Hit}]], [[?{Die}+?{To Hit}]], [[?{Die}+?{To Hit}]], [[?{Die}+?{To Hit}]], [[?{Die}+?{To Hit}]] } This macro includes the various animals I've prepared that I'm likely to summon, plus an option for a custom animal at the end. When you run this macros you'll get asked a number of questions: Animal Attack This dropdown menu contains the various animal attacks included in the macro, for example Elk Ram. What you select here decides the default answers for the next question. To Hit Depending on what kind of attack you selected in the previous menu, the correct default value is filled in. For Elk Ram, the default is 4. Just clock Submit. Roll Type Select whether this is a standard attack roll or if you're rolling with Advantage or Disadvantage. What you select here decides the default answer for the next two questions. My elks are ramming with Standard attacks Die The default value here is decided by what kind of roll you selected previously. Don't edit this. Just click Submit. (for reference, the options are 1d20, 2d20kh1, and 2d20kl1). Info The plain text version to output into the chat when rolling. It has no actual impact on the rolls and is just for show. Just Click Submit. Number of Attackers This is a drop down menu to select how many of your beasts are attacking the target. This is the last question and once you click submit the dice roll. Summary Run the macro. Select your attack and click Submit. Click Submit in the next window too. Select your type of attack, and click Submit. Click Submit in the next two windows. Select the number of animals you're attacking with. Click Submit. See the rolled values appearing in the chat. How it works I wasn't able to figure out a good way to assign values to variables in a macro, so instead I created multiple options with pre-filled default values. If you look through the list of attacks in the macro above, you'll see that the each beast has a different To Hit value assigned by default. For example: Warhorse Hooves,Warhorse Hooves (+?{To Hit|6} to hit)|
Brown Bear Bite,Brown Bear Bite (+?{To Hit|5} to hit)|
The hit value for Warhorse Hooves is 6 and for Brown Bear Bite it's 5. Similarly, I also wasn't able to find a way to repeat a roll a specific number of times. Here on the forums I found a suggestion to create a drop down menu and let each option consists of the corresponding number of rolls. That's why each line in the that part is longer than the others. The first one only has the command for rolling one die, while the list line has eight die rolls in it. Next... Rolling to hurt: /em rolls for the damage of ?{Number of Hits} hits with ?{Animal Attack| Elk Ram, Elk Ram (?{Number of Dice|1}d?{Type of Die|6}+?{Bonus Damage|3})| Elk Hooves, Elk Hooves (?{Number of Dice|2}d?{Type of Die|4}+?{Bonus Damage|3})| Elk Charge,Elk Charge (?{Number of Dice|2}d?{Type of Die|6}+?{Bonus Damage|0})| Wolf Bite,Wolf Bite (?{Number of Dice|2}d?{Type of Die|4}+?{Bonus Damage|2})| Giant Goat Ram,Giant Goat Ram (?{Number of Dice|2}d?{Type of Die|4}+?{Bonus Damage|3})| Giant Goat Charge,Giant Goat Charge (?{Number of Dice|2}d?{Type of Die|4}+?{Bonus Damage|0})| Warhorse,Warhorse (?{Number of Dice|2}d?{Type of Die|6}+?{Bonus Damage|4})| Brown Bear Bite,Brown Bear Bite (?{Number of Dice|1}d?{Type of Die|8}+?{Bonus Damage|4})| Brown Bear Claws,Brown Bear Claws (?{Number of Dice|2}d?{Type of Die|6}+?{Bonus Damage|4})| Crag Cat Bite,Crag Cat Bite (?{Number of Dice|1}d?{Type of Die|10}+?{Bonus Damage|3})| Crag Cat Claw,Crag Cat Claw (?{Number of Dice|1}d?{Type of Die|8}+?{Bonus Damage|3})| Dire Wolf Bite,Dire Wolf Bite (?{Number of Dice|2}d?{Type of Die|6}+?{Bonus Damage|3})| Giant Eagle Beak,Giant Eagle Beak (?{Number of Dice|1}d?{Type of Die|6}+?{Bonus Damage|3})| Giant Eagle Talons,Giant Eagle Talons (?{Number of Dice|2}d?{Type of Die|6}+?{Bonus Damage|3})| Cave Bear Bite,Cave Bear Bite (?{Number of Dice|1}d?{Type of Die|8}+?{Bonus Damage|5})| Cave Bear Claws,Cave Bear Claws (?{Number of Dice|2}d?{Type of Die|6}+?{Bonus Damage|5})| Giant Elk Ram,Giant Elk Ram (?{Number of Dice|2}d?{Type of Die|6}+?{Bonus Damage|4})| Giant Elk Hooves,Giant Elk Hooves (?{Number of Dice|4}d?{Type of Die|8}+?{Bonus Damage|4})| Giant Elk Charge,Giant Elk Charge (?{Number of Dice|2}d?{Type of Die|6}+?{Bonus Damage|0})} /r [[?{Number of Hits}*?{Number of Dice}]]d?{Type of Die}+[[?{Number of Hits}*?{Bonus Damage}]] The principle here is the same as in the macro for hitting: select your type of attack and then click Submit a few times to accept the default values. Caution: This macro does not factor in damage for critical hits, you'll have to add those on manually if they happen. The questions this time around are: Number of Hits This is how many of the attacks you just rolled to hit, hit. Animal Attack Select the option corresponding to the animal and attack you're using. The option you select here determines the default values of all the other questions. You can just click Submit for these options. Example: Elk Ram (damage is 1d6+3) Number of Dice This is how many dice you roll for one successful hit. For my elks I roll 1 die per hit. Type of Die Enter a number corresponding to the number of sides on the die you're rolling. The elks roll a d6 so I leave the value as 6. Bonus Damage This is the bonus damage. Again it's pre-filled and you can just click submit, and the dice will roll and show how much damage your animals did with their combined attacks. Summary Enter your number of hits Select the attack. Click Submit a few times. How it works The principle is the same as in the previous macro: select an attack and accept the pre-filled values. There's no repeated rolls here though, so I can just multiply the number of dies per attack with the number of successful hits. Modifying for yourself If you want to add in an animal attack of your own that's not included in my version, you need to add lines to both macros. For the Hit version the line will have to look something like this: Beast Attack,Beast Attack (+?{To Hit| 6 } to hit)| The Relevant detail here is the 6. I tried to make it both bold and italic, but it's still a bit hard to see. That's your to hit bonus for the attack. The only thing you need to change is the name of the attack (in both places it appears), and the to hit value. For the Hurt version the line would be Beast Attack,Beast Attack (?{Number of Dice| 2 }d?{Type of Die| 6 }+?{Bonus Damage| 4 })| The relevant digits here are the 2, the 6 and the 4, which I have again tried to make bold and italic, but which may still be tricky to see. The correspond to 2d6+4 For more easily readable versions of the lines, have a look here: Beast Attack,Beast Attack (+?{To Hit|6} to hit)| Beast Attack,Beast Attack (?{Number of Dice|2}d?{Type of Die|6}+?{Bonus Damage|4})| Unfortunately, these lines won't work in the macro as you need to use escape codes in order for them to parse properly, but at least this way you'll see more clearly what they do. I hope this will be useful to you, and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Hopefully there's some kind of notification system in case I don't check back very often.