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Score + 314
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Sounds like a solid idea! 
Phil. H.
+1 pls's a great idea!
I also would like to have multiple character sheets in one game.
This would be great for some customization. I have a "vault game" for my characters where I like to test powers, macros, builds. It would be really nice if I could place characters from different games in the same "vault".
Sheet Author
I'm still standing... waiting for the possibility to create several different character sheets. For multiple purpose, track information, use macros to manage it, roll custom stuff... and share those sheets between games... Would spare tracking in on paper on my table... like a VTT would do... ;-)
+1 Desperately need sheets for ships and other things.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
come on @Roll20 Dev Team!
+1 I really want this as I've wanted to implement things like vehicles into some games where they weren't already included, or other homebrew materials like Matt Colville's S&F Army Cards into D&D games. Having the ability to use more than one sheet in a game would be very, very useful, as I could mess around and edit/create a homebrew sheet for some side piece of content without irreparably damaging my players' existing sheets.
+1 from me. So much potential.
+1, I for one agree with Noah the Goblin. 
+1 , We need this
+1 would be nice to have this as a featur
Sheet Author
API Scripter
It is really amazing if you go see how many times people psoted questions to ask whether this kind of feature exists in ROLL20. Can not believe it is so difficult to implement. If the developers not experienced enough, maybe time to start looking at making certain areas part of the open soruce community and let us RolePlayers that are also IT people assist :)
+1, trying to build sheets for myself for Kingdoms & Warfare domains and unit cards
+1, For the storyteller system.. aka World of Darkness, the ability to use different sheets for Vampire, Werewolf, Changling, Hunter, etc is of high value for those wishing to use a VTT for a campaign. Even if you had a single Storyteller sheet with a module for each type of character 'race' that the GM can toggle for A, B, C, etc would work. May be even that idea might help other systems too.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
guys share this with your players and GM/DM/Keeper/ST/... so we can get the votes up. 

Edited 1635953580
+1, I will share it with my player, I will need this feature.
Definitely +1
+1 We need it for a oWoD crossover game. Right now we are using the V20 sheet for everyone which is not ideal.
+1. For Ships, bags of holdings, settlements, etc...
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Come on Roll 20 team, this should not be difficult to implement
I think it would be great for the accessibility design to allow separate sheets for users who have difficulties reading (either because of impaired vision, dyslexia or if there is a language barrier).
Sheet Author
+1 I was just researching how to add a new new TAB section to my sheet just for NPC's.  Instead, a second variation of my sheet specifically just for NPC's would be great.
This would be really handy, as would global variables that can be called from the character sheets but are set in the game, itself. Jeff A. said: +1, For the storyteller system.. aka World of Darkness, the ability to use different sheets for Vampire, Werewolf, Changling, Hunter, etc is of high value for those wishing to use a VTT for a campaign. Even if you had a single Storyteller sheet with a module for each type of character 'race' that the GM can toggle for A, B, C, etc would work. May be even that idea might help other systems too. I handled this by making a custom sheet that had tabs for Vampire, Werewolf, etc.; that said, I'd still love to be able to do this.

Edited 1642713076
+1 HERE HERE!  Yes, this would be very useful, very useful indeed.  
+1 As a pro DM it would be really nice to have it, it is a problem if you are making a World of Darkness-Campaign and everyone has to use Vampire the Masquerade-Sheets while some are playing Mage: The Ascension-Characters^^
+1, this would be a great feature. At this point of time, running multiple-template games of World of Darkness. And as a DM who has tried to run Rogue Trader, having a separate ship sheet that all players can access would be a godsend. It would be great for the Battletech RPGs as well, where I currently need to find a separate game option for many the many vehicle sheets that the party will be operating.
After perusing another popular VTT, I am even more sold on the benefits of this feature. Being able to support multiple sheets (without having them all built into one complex sheet) feels like the right direction to go. It would allow some "cap systems" or expansions for popular games (e.g., via the OGL) to be integrated more-easily while still using official sheets for the core game.
I wanted to add my own vote to this as well.  In my GM's Pathfinder game, we have run into issues regarding the existing character sheet options, with the Official sheet not handing certain classes very well and a couple of the players having browser/etc issues using the Community sheet.  If the option to have multiple sheet options were avail, it would have made this more of a non-issue, as each player could have used whichever sheet worked best for them.
You have my vote. +1
+1 That is a much needed feature of Roll20. Why not have character sheet and NPC sheets or even a sheet that would act as a GM screen ? Is there a technical reason why this would be hard to implement other than we do not have the resource to spend on the sheet creator community as we are busy porting yet another DnD compendium ?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Hildy said: After perusing another popular VTT, I am even more sold on the benefits of this feature. Being able to support multiple sheets (without having them all built into one complex sheet) feels like the right direction to go. It would allow some "cap systems" or expansions for popular games (e.g., via the OGL) to be integrated more-easily while still using official sheets for the core game. and not to mention playing cross over games :)
Forum Champion
Crossover games could be amazing and liberating. To be able to open the Monsters and NPC's of a game product (WoTC, Paizo, Evil Hat's, indies, older editions..), and yet allow the GM and Players to use whichever game system Character Sheet version that they want to play.  Re-use PF AP's in PF2 or Starfinder. Buy WoTC modules for OSR campaigns. Try FATE settings with your 5E party. It could be quite innovative. It matches with Roll20's strongsuit of being system agnostic in the sense of allowing-facilitating anything that gamers can do at the "kitchen table" with dice, paper, pencil, IRL.
If you run a WOD game for example, you are limited to using just one sheet type, aka Garou, Mage, Vampire, ect. It would be nice to see in WOD games to have the ability to have different types of sheets available for a game. That way you can have a Mage, Garou, and Vamp all in one game with sheets that work. Even if you do a single race game, still would be nice as a GM to be able to have a sheet for that Vamp that is messing with the internal politics of a Chantry or Cearn as your antagonist and not have to mentally shift gears for rolls, ect. Yes, this is a slight revision from what I posted over at reddit. I also would like to thank reddit contributor GM_Pax for their additional suggestion as a reply to my posting as follows: "Even just the ability for the GM to specifically create sheets that are not the default type for that game, would help." I am sure there are multiple game systems that can benefit from this general idea. Even just having an editable creature/encounter card sheet for the GM in any version of D&amp;D would be helpful there. This is from my posting on this same topic at: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Sheet Author
API Scripter
spread the word to other game creators/DM/GM/Keeper/StoryTeller/...
I need this for my Brinkwood blades game. the only available Brinkwood community sheet has no Mask support

Edited 1653748834
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Sad thing is this, is not really a nice to have but a requirement to enhance a lot of game sytems and even have better designed sheets for&nbsp; specific usecases like monsters, vehicles, NPC and PCrather than trying to do everything with tabs and tick boxes.
+1.&nbsp; I have at least a dozen players coming to add their support. DM has to have his favorite sheet.&nbsp; &amp; Players prefer a different one.&nbsp; Two different sheets in a game would be great!
Forum Champion
There is some Discussion about this Suggestion happening with Roll20 Team in this Q&amp;A thread: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Take a look.
Loren the GM
Marketplace Creator
Another benefit of this would also allow compendium access when using different systems - for instance, if I wanted to play Level Up Advanced 5e, but wanted access to the 5e compendium, I could make a 5e game and still read rules and monsters, but use the A5e sheet within it for characters. It wouldn't allow full functionality like Charactermancer, but would allow functions of the game to still be used as desired in a mix-and-match way.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Gold said: There is some Discussion about this Suggestion happening with Roll20 Team in this Q&amp;A thread: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Take a look. Thanks for bringing this up for the Dev Team! Lets keep thumbs crossed :)

Edited 1656194701
As a script and macro developer, it would be nice to have a GM Reporting sheet, rather than spam the chat window with whispered reports.&nbsp; It is a pain to run a large battle with dozens of NPC tokens.&nbsp; The key would be to have a process run in the background (or on-demand) that could scrape information from all the other tokens/characters on a page and present it in an organized fashion.&nbsp;&nbsp; For example, imagine a sheet that lists in table format every NPC and Character on the current page.&nbsp; Included on each row are basic stats (AC, HP, PP, ...).&nbsp; Also included on each row are simple command buttons to Ping, View, Show/Hide, Set a tooltip, etc.).&nbsp; The GM would pop this sheet out of the Roll20 interface and place it on a different monitor.&nbsp; I mocked up a quick form below to illustrate.&nbsp;

Edited 1656196374
Sheet Author
API Scripter
You are right the possibilities for GMs become so much greater, especially managing large numbers of NPC, etc Will M. said: For example, imagine a sheet that lists in table format every NPC and Character on the current page.&nbsp; Included on each row are basic stats (AC, HP, PP, ...).&nbsp; Also included on each row are simple command buttons to Ping, View, Show/Hide, Set a tooltip, etc.).&nbsp; The GM would pop this sheet out of the Roll20 interface and place it on a different monitor.&nbsp; I mocked up a quick form below to illustrate.&nbsp;