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Calling All Creators!

Do you make professional level art and/or modules? I'm beginning to assemble the first round of creators for the impending Roll20 marketplace selections and the expansion of the current art libraries. If you'd like your work to be easily accessed and/or sold via Roll20 in the future, please contact me at nolan AT roll20 DOT net Thanks.
It's be cool if the Roll20 marketplace had a section where you could put up ads for particular kinds of content. At the moment I'd kill for a bunch of restoration era building floor plans for example.
Roll20 Team
Josh, do you mean something like an art request board?
Not gonna lie, an art request board would be awesome. I'm starting up a Mutants & Masterminds campaign. Just had our first session last Wednesday and we had to resort to using a terrible whiteboard since Scriblink only allows 6 people at max. I've got a pretty decent sized group, so needless to say, that didn't work for us. It wasn't until after the session that I chanced upon Roll20 and saw that my prayers for an awesome, tailor-made virtual gaming tabletop were answered. With that said, as we all know, the app is still growing and evolving. While in its current state, Roll20 is indeed leaps and bounds ahead of anything else out there, it's certainly not as user friendly as I'd like it to be, mainly in the art department. An Art Request Board would probably be a fantastic idea simply because it'll help the community not only help itself, but also signal to the Roll20 dev team what content they're wanting to be added. Right now, some genres and time periods are a bit lacking and need to really be searched or simply found and added/uploaded manually. Fantasy I can tell is certainly covered and for good reason (DnD isn't the major powerhouse for no reason after all). I'd like to see more art assets for things like modern day cities being added. My Mutants & Masterminds campaign has plenty of supernatural and superpowered areas for my players to explore, but it's also got just as much normal stuff in it as well. Anyways, long first post short, I think an Art Request Board would be a good idea. The more art assets Roll20 has to draw from its databases, the better, I would assume.
I'm down for the art request board. Also, in terms of providing art for the marketplace, I have lots of maps and other resources that I've made - and I'm always willing to make more! - but what I hope to see (and I assume is coming in the future) is some specifications and so forth for the various images (especially maps and map tiles). For example: -preferred or minimum resolution -file format -grid size -whether the grid should be baked in (or whether there should be multiple options - with grid, with no grid, etc). I am used to creating maps for MapTool, where the grid size is pixel-based; the "inch-based" map of Roll20 throws me off slightly.
Chris, as long as it's square and decent size, it should be fine as you can resize. Given that this is an online system (ie 72dpi) and things are measured in pixels, I don't really see the point in making your files in inches vs pixels. The only benefit I can see is that you could easily make your stuff printable if you keep it in inches. I have been trialing making tiles and the PNG's seem to work well, including decals with transparency.
Yeah, I've worked it out and have been trialing some geomorph tiles for random dungeon building. I've found that dropping an image in doesn't always drop it at the size I expect but that's probably just math failure on my part.
I've found that dropping an image in doesn't always drop it at the size I expect but that's probably just math failure on my part. Maybe this thread has to do with the issue you are mentioning here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
That might fix it!
I've been working on some retro style avatars for a campaign I'm writing and I would be more than happy to upload them if people are interested.
I've contacted Nolan directly, but as mentioned I have some map-tile resources I've made - things like link below (I have a larger set of them, obviously). <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> @Sam Mameli, those are very cool. I dig the look!
I would love to create some scenarios or modules for Roll20. The biggest thing I'd need, however, is artwork. Once more tile and unit artwork becomes available I'll get to work.
Hi Nolan, I'd love to contribute to this. I'm a Spectrum winning illustrator and cartoonist and I've done books for Tor, Scholastic etc. I'm actually trying to get a new fantasy comic off the ground, a bit like Ravenloft.....
Eric-- being in comics myself, I'm actually aware of some of your work, so consider me excited! Drop me a line at <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> with an idea of what you're looking to do.
I am willing to write adventures for 4E. As I get better with the system I will post some work.
I do "hand crafted" maps for campaigns. I'd be more than willing to offer up my services to anyone who wants a quality hand drawn map.
Nicholas Taylor: Even with the widespread use nowadays of computer apps for making apps, I still like hand made maps very much, and indeed I plan to do some for my campaign. And if I can edit them with digital software, they still retain most of the original traits. Supporting hand crafted maps --the same for tokens and other graphical resources.
Nolan, quick question. If publishers want to make images available from modules/product for free to use with their games on Roll20 how would they go about that? I have a lot of customers requesting the ability to pull them up in the token searches. Just curious.
Jolly-- email me with some of the content, and we'll see what we can do!
Will do Nolan. Thanks. Might take me a few days. Big game tonight. ;)
I'm doing Temple of Elemental Evil right now and after playing around with maps came to realize how much time is spent making maps, I think it would take a huge strain off of DM's to share maps of the popular adventures in some way. Though i'm not the DM i enjoyed the map making enough to go back and recreate some of the area's we had already passed. Though i'm slightly intimidated by some of you who are real artists.
As someone that does art and layout for Faining Goat Games' ICONS products I've been thinking about possibly doing 75dpi/ 1 inch token to use with virtual tabletops along with our standard paper miniatures. Would love to know if people would be intetested in this?
Would love to know if people would be intetested in this? I think that if you put together quality work and offer it, people will be interested.
I think that if you put together quality work and offer it, people will be interested. Very much a believer in this. And, for the record, the stuff we have for the impending marketplace launch... oh the quality. I cannot WAIT for people to see it. We've been so, so, so lucky thus far.
I'm doing Temple of Elemental Evil right now and after playing around with maps came to realize how much time is spent making maps, I think it would take a huge strain off of DM's to share maps of the popular adventures in some way. I am not a lawyer to be sure, but my understanding is that maps of the popular adventures are protected by copyright, and that giving or selling people copies of them is illegal, even if the copies have been made by completely re-drawing them. I can't cite the relevant decision, but I understand that if you produce anything by any means, in any form, that includes or reproduces any part of another person's copyright work output, then their copyright extends to the thing that embodies their work output. I am afraid that DM's sharing maps of the popular adventures in any way, without the permission the copyright owners, is exactly what copyright law is intended to prevent. :( The Roll20 developers should not do anything to encourage, support, or enable the sharing of possibly copyright material without first consulting a lawyer.
Just remember that some companies offer their maps free without the written text of the adventure. So if you download their map and you already have the module, then you can use the map on roll20 and use your copy for the narrative. And if you share the map, since the narrative does not come with it, you may not be violating any copyright laws. But that does bring out another point, if you buy the digital copy and use the map on roll20, can you share the map without the pertaining text data or can you use the floor plans of a cavern, castle, or whatever for your own use and add something other then what the original game came with? For example, Hollows last Hope was a free giveaway adventure. If I take the monastery map and use it as an old ruin for a bandit hide out, would it be considered copy-right violation cause I used a free product and altered it for my needs? Then as you look at that, if shared maps become a norm, would I be able to share said bandit location? Just some other head-ache questions to think about.
You certainly have the right to use what you have paid for (and alter it as you want for your own use), but you cannot share or distribute it. But... using it for playing online means that the map is also on the other players computer. Would it be considered as sharing? I think it would need a lawyer to know (and I have not yet mentionned playing with someone abroad who has different copyrights law).
I've been a Dm for 20 odd years...or closer to 30. I've primarily run shop bought modules etc. But have also written a fair amount of stuff myself. I'm only just getting to grips with roll20 and my artistic skill are poor at best, however I'd be interested in providing input into plot design or world creation.
Hey Mark, it is good to see another old time player. I started playing sometime back in the late 70s with the red box and blue box of the Basic and Expert D&D :-) I have a ton of stuff (now mostly in storage) from back then, most of the modules and books. I am currently running Hollows Last Hope on Roll20 and putting together the maps and encounter for Tomb of the Forgotten King.
Saul Wynne
Marketplace Creator
Do you make professional level art and/or modules? I'm beginning to assemble the first round of creators for the impending Roll20 marketplace selections and the expansion of the current art libraries. If you'd like your work to be easily accessed and/or sold via Roll20 in the future, please contact me at nolan AT roll20 DOT net Thanks. Hi there Nolan, I am graphic designer by trade and I will be creating my maps /tiles/tokens for my own devised campaigns, I'm planning to design transparent png tokens, so all should be re-usable assets , I will forward my work to you once i have enough for you to review