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Support multiple versions of a character sheet

Sheet Author
API Scripter
Overview I would like to see the ability to have multiple versions of a character sheet, in the same manner that Roll20 supports multiple versions of an api script. Background Currently, Roll20 supports multiple versions of an api script.  This is done by putting each version of the api script into it's own separate directory within the api's folder in the repository and then listing the directory names as versions in the script.json file.  As an example, here is the the api repository folder for the Ammo api: The script.json file contains two fields, one for the current version and another for prior versions... "version": "0.3.7", "previousversions": [ "0.3.1", "0.3.2", "0.3.3", "0.3.4", "0.3.5", "0.3.6" ] When selecting the api script from Game Settings, the GM is presented with a dropdown that looks like it is generated directly from the previousversions field.  The GM can select a prior version of the api if desired... The Proposal/Suggestion I propose tht Roll20 allow for multiple versions of character sheets by allowing each prior version to be stored in a separate directory within the character sheet's folder in the repository, the same as is done with api scripts.  Add the fields "versions" and "previousversions" to the sheet.json file and utilize them in the same manner as is currently done with api scripts. Justification My real intent behind this feature is not to be able to store old versions of the same character sheet.  If Joe has authored a character sheet for the Bunnies and Burrows system and he makes an update to his sheet, I'm not really interested in there being a version 1.0 and version 1.1 available.  What I really want is for the versions to reflect alternate or variant character sheets for the same gaming system.  So someone makes an entry in the repository for the Basic Roleplaying game system.  Later, someone wants to make a fantasy specific variant of the sheet.  He adds it as a "version".  It gets a separate directory and is added to the sheet.json file.  If we exactly duplicate the way it works with api scripts, the json field would be "previousversions".  Probably not the most intuitive name for this, but it'll work.  Later a couple more variants are added.  In the end, the Basic Roleplaying folder in the character sheet repository would look something like this: and the sheet.json file would be something like this: { "html": "brp.html", "css": "brp.css", "authors": "Joe", "roll20userid": "1920548", "preview": "preview.png", "instructions": "Sheet for Basic Roleplaying (BRP)", "version": "brp", "previousversions": [ "fantasy", "superhero", "call of cthulhu" ] } I think this proposal could go a long way toward cleaning up the character sheet list.  Many game systems have a plethora of variants (D&D has about 20, Fate also has around 20, Gamma World has 3, etc.).  This would consolidate all those variants under one category.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
An excellent idea.
Marketplace Creator
Thanks for the suggestion! After 30 days, Suggestions and Ideas with fewer than 10 votes are closed and the votes are refunded to promote freshness. Your suggestion didn't build the right momentum this time, but feel free to submit it again! We find that the best suggestions describe the problem you are having, and the solution you want. You can learn more about the process of making suggestions on the Roll20 Wiki! More details can be found here .