Since my French is terrible, I will do this in English, and I hope someone else can translate this. Download the Github desktop client , and install it. Start it, log in with your Github login. File -> Clone repository. Choose your fork of roll20-character-sheets. Put it into some directory you know, and wait until it has synced the repository (this may take a bit, it's more than a GB). Click the area where it shows "current branch - master", choose "new branch", and give it a reasonable name (like the name of your sheet). Create a new folder within the roll20-character-sheets folder with the name of your sheet. Put the files inside (explanation later) . After putting the files there, commit your changes (on the left-hand side of the window, choose a name for your commit, then click the commit button). Create a pull request: Branch -> Create Pull Request. The app will ask you to publish your branch (do it), then a browser window will open where you can create the pull request. About the files you need : You need the following files in your folder (make sure all your files have UNIX line endings, not Windows line endings - set this in your editor). Your sheet's HTML file (let's call it example.html ) Your sheet's CSS file (let's call it example.css ) A screenshot of your sheet (let's call it example.jpg ) If present, your translation.json file (skip it if your sheet does not have one) A file sheet.json , with the content: {
"html": " example.html ",
"css": " example.css ",
"authors": "Vindikaell",
"roll20userid": "355166",
"preview": " example.jpg ", "instructions": "This is a sheet." }