Ok, so this is a really awful one I'm afraid. It would seem like the latest update has introduced a non-deterministic/race-condition bug with compendium drop. Since yesterday, the Shaped Sheet mostly no longer receives compendium data when a monster is dropped on the canvas. The attributes are not populated, and no sheet workers are fired as a result. Note that if you drag a monster onto an existing sheet, it works fine - the problem is confined to dropping new monsters directly onto the canvas. I attempted to construct a minimal testcase, and somewhat screwed it up. So I went back to the shaped sheet and started cutting things out to see when it started working. After a while it became clear that there wasn't a simple answer to that question. I cut out a bunch of stuff and it was still broken; and then I ran the same test again without changing anything and it worked. Urgh. I tried cutting out different parts of the sheet and there was no clear relationship between the removal of specific parts and when it started working. At this point, what *seems* to be the case is that the behaviour is connected to the size of the sheet, but not to any specific content. The more I prune the sheet down, the less often it happens. Not that this behaviour can and does occur even with no sheetworker scripts present at all, so I'm pretty confident that this is not connected to any JS within our codebase. There are no abnormal errors in the browser JS console. It also appears to be more prevalent when I first load a game, and then improves slightly after I've played around for a while. In particular, if I import a monster from the Compendium, then delete it and import it again, it often starts working. This suggests to me that there may be a latency/race-condition issue somewhere that is sometimes masked either by caching or by the app being less CPU-bound after some initial processing has been done. The only interesting difference that I can see in the console is that the first time around it spends quite a while attempting to load the image for the compendium entry: <a href="https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.d20.io/images/26298545/as4phzTXqlMjYpq-LAM_nQ/med.jpg?1481746864" rel="nofollow">https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.d20.io/images/26298545/as4phzTXqlMjYpq-LAM_nQ/med.jpg?1481746864</a> [HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 1555ms] It's kind of worrying that a 304 is taking 1.5 seconds to come back from S3; perhaps that extra delay is pushing the client over the edge into giving up on populating the data? I will continue to try and establish some clearer criteria for when this happens, but it would be great if the dev team could take a look at the changes made for the most recent update in the area of compendium->sheet integration and see if there are plausible candidates for where there might be e.g. a timeout that might result in the client giving up on completing the compendium data load.