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Compendium Sharing issues Thread

June 27 (6 years ago)

As asked by Trivia, this thread is to gather the Compendium Sharing issues.

June 27 (6 years ago)

I found that when i select the category:lists of the compendium, items, items by type, spells by level, by name, by school, paladin spell list by level & name, as well as the rest of the classes', and monsters by cr rating, by name and by type appear blank. And armor list only appears mithral armor.

June 29 (6 years ago)
Tony R.
Sheet Author

Drag and drop spells from the PHB are not working for my players (I am using the 5e OGL sheet made by roll20). The OGL spells still have drag and drop functionality -- the issue is with the newly added spells. 

There is also an issue with a shared Monster Manual. Players tagged as GM are unable to drag and drop non-OGL monsters from the Monster Manual. OGL monsters will create a character sheet but a normal token will not be created (it looks like this)

June 29 (6 years ago)
Stephanie B.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

Thanks, both of you. I will start tracking these issues and adding them to the bug list today. 

My players are also unable to drag and drop new PHB spells. Compendium sharing is enabled, and they can see the spells, they just can't drag and drop them into the sheet.
July 02 (6 years ago)

Edited July 02 (6 years ago)

The links I create in my handouts that point to the compendium expansion entries (ones not also in the srd) open the players to a page (within the app, not a new tab) suggesting they buy the expansion. When they search for the same entry in the compendium it does show up and let them view the page.

Example Link: Path of the Berserker

This seems to be a problem with links within the compendium entries as well. For example from the Sentinel (5e PHB) entry, when my players click the "Feats" link in the "Home > Feats > Sentinel" navigation links, they are brought to a list with only the grappler feat that is available in the SRD.

July 02 (6 years ago)
Stephanie B.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

Thanks for the feedback! I've added this to our backlog.


Jerry M. said:

The links I create in my handouts that point to the compendium expansion entries (ones not also in the srd) open the players to a page (within the app, not a new tab) suggesting they buy the expansion. When they search for the same entry in the compendium it does show up and let them view the page.

Example Link: Path of the Berserker

This seems to be a problem with links within the compendium entries as well. For example from the Sentinel (5e PHB) entry, when my players click the "Feats" link in the "Home > Feats > Sentinel" navigation links, they are brought to a list with only the grappler feat that is available in the SRD.

I am a GM in a game where another GM in the game owns the Monster Manual.  When I drag & drop a monster from the compendium, the monster is added to the journal but its token is not populated correctly.  It has no image, no armor, no health, but the journal entry is correctly populated with all of the monster details.


I also am unable to drag & drop several of the monsters from the compendium in that scenario.  For example, I can drag & drop an Aboleth, but I cannot drag & drop an Aarakocra.


In both cases, once the monster is in the journal, I can drag & drop it from there into the game, but the owner of the monster manual must be a GM and first get it added to the journal, then other GMs (who do not own the monster manual) can use it from the journal (but still not from the compendium).

July 07 (6 years ago)

Edited July 07 (6 years ago)
Gen Kitty
Forum Champion

Travis H. said (elsewhere):

I created a new group today after purchasing the lost mines adventure and the PHB compendium.  We had a few issues:


2) The compendium has been selected as "shared" with the players in the game but they are all hitting a brick wall and being told to purchase the compendium.

the 2nd is frustrating as I've followed the details described and yet none of the characters have full access.

July 10 (6 years ago)
Gen Kitty
Forum Champion

Bad DM [Matthew P.] said (elsewhere):
Title: Compendium Sharing bugs - reproducible but some always work, some never work

My player reports this:

Search for Battle Master.  Found.

Click on Dexterity, under Parry.  It takes him to an advertisement to buy a PHB.

Click on Strength, under Disarm.  It takes him to an advertisement to buy a PHB.

Click on Wisdom, under Menacing Attack.  Works fine!

Other times, clicking on Insight loads a blank page.  Other times it works if you "come at it" from a different path.



My players are seeing issues dragging and dropping anything from the PHB onto their character sheet. A player who also has the PHB does not have this issue? Do my other players have to purchase the PHB to have this functionality?

July 12 (6 years ago)

FRANK T. said:

My players are seeing issues dragging and dropping anything from the PHB onto their character sheet. A player who also has the PHB does not have this issue? Do my other players have to purchase the PHB to have this functionality?

You own PHB, created the game, and turned Compendium sharing on in the Game Settings yes?

July 14 (6 years ago)

My player searches for "feat".  Clicks on 2nd result, Feats (PHB).  a page appears... but if he clicks anything on it, he gets an ad to buy the PHB =(

July 14 (6 years ago)
Stephanie B.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

Thanks for the report. Does your player own the phb, or do you have compendium sharing turned on? 

July 14 (6 years ago)

Edited July 14 (6 years ago)

i have compendium sharing turned on.  He is also saying that, instead of ads, a lot of pages are just, well mostly blank.  let me see if i can attach his ss.

Hello Im a GM who own the PHB and i have it shared with all my players i have found a bug in the Monk part that when looking at the Monastic Traditions the players are only able to see one of the 3 schools ie The way of the shadow and way of the four elements does not  show up.When the player clicks on the link in the table of contents it goes to the ad page selling the players handbook to the player..

Even stranger that if they close the page and open it again the layout of the Monastic Traditions only shows Way of the open hand. One of other player is in a room next to me so I was able to watch them access the same page i was looking at.. 

Any help or information would be great.. I was considering creating a handout for a work around til its fixed 


Good afternoon,

I did post about compendium sharing in my game elsewhere and Genkitty posted it here.

I have purchased the compendium.  None of my players can access it even though I've turned on compendium sharing.  I followed the exact directions provided when I purchased.  

Any ideas on how to fix this (or a review from someone at R20 on my account) would be great.  I spent a fair bit for the compendium only for it to not work for the players (the sole reason I purchased).

July 17 (6 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

Question, Travis: You are both the creator and GM of the game?


July 17 (6 years ago)

Edited July 17 (6 years ago)

Travis H. said:


Can you have a player go to their compendium, search for "feat", and see if it looks like this?

In other words:

1) Do they see the second line, "Feats (PHB)", but it does nothing if they click it?


2) They dont see it at all, and it just shows items 1 and 3 (SRD)

They see all three options.  Clicking on "Feats" brings them to the first page.  When they select "next page" it brings up the "purchase" page.

July 17 (6 years ago)
Stephanie B.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

We're looking into these compendium sharing issues, folks. Thanks for your patience!

To clarify: If you bought the PHB and you turned on compendium sharing for a game which you created, your users do not need to buy the PHB.

We are looking into why your users are being redirected to the ad for the PHB, since that is pretty much the opposite of what compendium sharing should do.

Thanks Stephanie!  

July 18 (6 years ago)

The problem is toast w Stephanie on the job :D

July 19 (6 years ago)
Stephanie B.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

Aw, thank you! I'm just the middle man, though. The rest of the team does the hard work! Mad props to them!

July 19 (6 years ago)
Stephanie B.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

For those whose players have this issue: Are they able to find pages when they search in the compendium (using the "i" icon)?

Is it only when they click a link inside a compendium page or handout that they get redirected?

Thanks for helping me troubleshoot this issue!

My players tried using the "I" icon and get redirected when they go beyond the initial page.

July 20 (6 years ago)
Stephanie B.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

Thanks, Travis! I think I know what's going on, and can pass this to the devs!

July 20 (6 years ago)

Edited July 20 (6 years ago)

Hey, my group is having similar issues. Our DM (and creator of the game) recently purchased the PHB a few days ago. If I type in the feat "sharpshooter", for example, into the Compendium is shows up under "-Feats > Sharpshooter". When I click on it it shows the entry and information for sharpshooter just fine, but when I click and drag it onto my character sheet it is not added to the Feature & Traits section of my character sheet (or any other section for that matter). It seems to be the same with other entries that are PHB exclusive as I can still add SRD content normally. As far as drag and drop functionality, I have no issues adding things that go in the 'Other Proficiencies & Languages' box but I cannot add anything that goes in the 'Features & Traits' box, nor can I add spells added with the PHB. I can still add SRD spells just fine. I should add that I tried this in both regular and windowed mode for the character sheet and it didn't work on either.

Another interesting thing I noticed is if I type in the word 'Feats' into the Compendium it will show "-Rules > Feats (and) >Feats by Name" but it doesn't actually list any of the feats at all. Furthermore, if I click on either 'Feats' or 'Feats by name' it opens up a window where the only feat actually listed is 'Grappler'. If I click the 'Next Page' link at the bottom right of that window it takes me to the PHB store page with the bright pink button to 'Buy Now'. So if I know the name of the feat and type it in by name, like 'sharpshooter', it shows up in the compendium, but if I want to search through a list of feats that functionality is unavailable. Correction: Just clicking on the 'i' button for the compendium does list the Feats category and if I click it there it does list all the feats under 'Category:Feats', however, they still aren't listed in the actual window that opens up when I click the 'Feats' option nested under 'Rules' as mentioned previously.

My DM confirmed that he has compendium sharing turned on for this game. All of this was attempted in Google Chrome. I haven't tried it on other browsers. I hope this helps and good luck! I had screenshots of all these steps but my connection is being slow and wouldn't let me upload them. Sorry. Thanks for all the hard work you guys do and for this great service :)

July 20 (6 years ago)
Stephanie B.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

Hi, Bojangles.

Thanks for your feedback!

Dragging feats and features onto your character sheet isn't supported at all right now; it's something we're working on, but haven't implemented.

You should be able to add spells; that's a bug, and we'll check into what's going on there.

Dragging onto the windowed mode will likely never work; browsers don't generally allow you to drag between different windows like that.

The bug where you can see one page in the compendium but not others is the one mentioned above. We will look into this as soon as we're able.

Finally: It's totally not your connection. Uploading images is broken in forums right now.

Bojangles007 said:

Hey, my group is having similar issues. Our DM (and creator of the game) recently purchased the PHB a few days ago. If I type in the feat "sharpshooter", for example, into the Compendium is shows up under "-Feats > Sharpshooter". When I click on it it shows the entry and information for sharpshooter just fine, but when I click and drag it onto my character sheet it is not added to the Feature & Traits section of my character sheet (or any other section for that matter). It seems to be the same with other entries that are PHB exclusive as I can still add SRD content normally. As far as drag and drop functionality, I have no issues adding things that go in the 'Other Proficiencies & Languages' box but I cannot add anything that goes in the 'Features & Traits' box, nor can I add spells added with the PHB. I can still add SRD spells just fine. I should add that I tried this in both regular and windowed mode for the character sheet and it didn't work on either.

Another interesting thing I noticed is if I type in the word 'Feats' into the Compendium it will show "-Rules > Feats (and) >Feats by Name" but it doesn't actually list any of the feats at all. Furthermore, if I click on either 'Feats' or 'Feats by name' it opens up a window where the only feat actually listed is 'Grappler'. If I click the 'Next Page' link at the bottom right of that window it takes me to the PHB store page with the bright pink button to 'Buy Now'. So if I know the name of the feat and type it in by name, like 'sharpshooter', it shows up in the compendium, but if I want to search through a list of feats that functionality is unavailable. Correction: Just clicking on the 'i' button for the compendium does list the Feats category and if I click it there it does list all the feats under 'Category:Feats', however, they still aren't listed in the actual window that opens up when I click the 'Feats' option nested under 'Rules' as mentioned previously.

My DM confirmed that he has compendium sharing turned on for this game. All of this was attempted in Google Chrome. I haven't tried it on other browsers. I hope this helps and good luck! I had screenshots of all these steps but my connection is being slow and wouldn't let me upload them. Sorry. Thanks for all the hard work you guys do and for this great service :)

July 22 (6 years ago)
KS Backer

My group is also experiencing this. They can see the PHB entries in the compendium, but when they click on them they get the ad to buy the book. If it helps in troubleshooting, the campaign was one created awhile ago. Hopefully this can be resolved soon!

July 24 (6 years ago)
KS Backer

Just an update: I turned off compendium sharing for the campaign and then turned it back on and it appears to have started working for everyone. So if you're having this problem, hopefully this will help. 

July 24 (6 years ago)

I cant believe i didnt think of this!  Trying now...

July 25 (6 years ago)

Edited July 25 (6 years ago)

The remove/add back method has fixed 95percent of the problems!  Oddly, there are still a few "buy the PHB!" errors, but now you have to drill down quite a bit of (working great!!!) material to stumble across them. 

thanks Curt!!

EDIT - well its not as 95 percent as i thought, but still a big improvement after turning it off and on, as before *nothing worked*.  Here is his current report: (player talking)

if i click Compendium, then type "feat" in search box, the 2nd thing down is player's handbook: feats

if i click that i get a popup titled Player's Handbook with a ton of stuff to click on. takes me to the feats subsection
i clicked on several (actor, alert, athlete)
all give me the "buy the PHB" page
if i click other stuff, like Bard, or college of lore, it does the "right" thing
but college of valor, however, "buy the PHB"

hope this helps somehow
July 25 (6 years ago)
Stephanie B.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

Thanks for the report. This tracks with other reports, and points to a permissions issue, which I've put into our backlog with a high priority to fix.

Bad DM [Matthew P.] said:

The remove/add back method has fixed 95percent of the problems!  Oddly, there are still a few "buy the PHB!" errors, but now you have to drill down quite a bit of (working great!!!) material to stumble across them. 

thanks Curt!!

EDIT - well its not as 95 percent as i thought, but still a big improvement after turning it off and on, as before *nothing worked*.  Here is his current report: (player talking)

if i click Compendium, then type "feat" in search box, the 2nd thing down is player's handbook: feats

if i click that i get a popup titled Player's Handbook with a ton of stuff to click on. takes me to the feats subsection
i clicked on several (actor, alert, athlete)
all give me the "buy the PHB" page
if i click other stuff, like Bard, or college of lore, it does the "right" thing
but college of valor, however, "buy the PHB"

hope this helps somehow

July 26 (6 years ago)

Compendium sharing isn't working at all for me.  I purchased the PHB and enabled Compendium sharing for two campaigns.  None of my players can see any PHB content when they search the Compendium, not does the Charactermancer have access to the extra content.  My account can see the content just fine.

July 26 (6 years ago)
Stephanie B.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

DM said:

Compendium sharing isn't working at all for me.  I purchased the PHB and enabled Compendium sharing for two campaigns.  None of my players can see any PHB content when they search the Compendium, not does the Charactermancer have access to the extra content.  My account can see the content just fine.

Hi, DM!

I checked out your games and it looks like none of them have compendium sharing turned on. Can you reply with the name of the game you shared the compendium in, so we can investigate further?

July 30 (6 years ago)

Edited July 30 (6 years ago)

Just posting that my Compendium also has the problems noted in this thread:

If my Players attempt to click an item in the compendium, they get sent to the purchase page.

I attempted Curt's solution (turn off sharing, and turn it back on). This seems to allow Players to use the right-side panel to drill down and view items like feats without a problem, BUT if a player attempts to click on a link INSIDE of the prompt window (e.g., a "Next Page" link) it will send them to the purchase page. Frustrating, but at least some of it works. Hopes this gets resolved soon!

I have Compendium sharing on. I'm a Pro subscriber.

July 31 (6 years ago)

Edited July 31 (6 years ago)

Stephanie B. said:

Hi, Bojangles.

Thanks for your feedback!

Dragging feats and features onto your character sheet isn't supported at all right now; it's something we're working on, but haven't implemented.

You should be able to add spells; that's a bug, and we'll check into what's going on there.

Dragging onto the windowed mode will likely never work; browsers don't generally allow you to drag between different windows like that.

The bug where you can see one page in the compendium but not others is the one mentioned above. We will look into this as soon as we're able.

Finally: It's totally not your connection. Uploading images is broken in forums right now.

Bojangles007 said:

Hey, my group is having similar issues. Our DM (and creator of the game) recently purchased the PHB a few days ago. If I type in the feat "sharpshooter", for example, into the Compendium is shows up under "-Feats > Sharpshooter". When I click on it it shows the entry and information for sharpshooter just fine, but when I click and drag it onto my character sheet it is not added to the Feature & Traits section of my character sheet (or any other section for that matter). It seems to be the same with other entries that are PHB exclusive as I can still add SRD content normally. As far as drag and drop functionality, I have no issues adding things that go in the 'Other Proficiencies & Languages' box but I cannot add anything that goes in the 'Features & Traits' box, nor can I add spells added with the PHB. I can still add SRD spells just fine. I should add that I tried this in both regular and windowed mode for the character sheet and it didn't work on either.

Another interesting thing I noticed is if I type in the word 'Feats' into the Compendium it will show "-Rules > Feats (and) >Feats by Name" but it doesn't actually list any of the feats at all. Furthermore, if I click on either 'Feats' or 'Feats by name' it opens up a window where the only feat actually listed is 'Grappler'. If I click the 'Next Page' link at the bottom right of that window it takes me to the PHB store page with the bright pink button to 'Buy Now'. So if I know the name of the feat and type it in by name, like 'sharpshooter', it shows up in the compendium, but if I want to search through a list of feats that functionality is unavailable. Correction: Just clicking on the 'i' button for the compendium does list the Feats category and if I click it there it does list all the feats under 'Category:Feats', however, they still aren't listed in the actual window that opens up when I click the 'Feats' option nested under 'Rules' as mentioned previously.

My DM confirmed that he has compendium sharing turned on for this game. All of this was attempted in Google Chrome. I haven't tried it on other browsers. I hope this helps and good luck! I had screenshots of all these steps but my connection is being slow and wouldn't let me upload them. Sorry. Thanks for all the hard work you guys do and for this great service :)

I can drag feats over as the GM on to my player's sheets but it changes nothing to the sheet (ex: tough does not add the extra hit points).  Is that also part of what is unsupported but being worked on at this time?

July 31 (6 years ago)
Stephanie B.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

That's correct, Josh. Currently, feats don't apply any mechanics or pre-requisites when dragged onto the character sheet.

Josh M said:

I can drag feats over as the GM on to my player's sheets but it changes nothing to the sheet (ex: tough does not add the extra hit points).  Is that also part of what is unsupported but being worked on at this time?

August 01 (6 years ago)

Thanks for the response!

August 02 (6 years ago)
Forum Champion

We just released a hotfix today that fixes the issue with compendium sharing not working when following links in the in-app compendium, and where users couldn't drag and drop PHB and other content into their character sheets or games. Please reload your games if you were having trouble with compendium sharing from inside your games!

Read the full release notes here. Please continue to report any issues in this thread.

August 06 (6 years ago)

I just wanted to post to say thank you for fixing the compendium problem... Everything is working and my players are enjoying the Players handbook 

August 07 (6 years ago)
Stephanie B.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

Really glad to hear it!    

Thomas G. said:

I just wanted to post to say thank you for fixing the compendium problem... Everything is working and my players are enjoying the Players handbook 

August 24 (6 years ago)

My players are having trouble using some of the PHB compendium elements. They can see the PHB listings when they search the compendium. They can drag and drop some things from the compendium to the OGL sheet, but not others. For example, the spell "Hideous Laughter" (which is from the SRD) drops into the sheet just fine, but "Tasha's Hideous Laughter" (which is from the PHB) does not. But some things, like the Fireball spell (which has "PHB" next to it) drop in properly. So whether things work or don't is inconsistent.

In addition, at least one of my players is getting the message "You do not own the Player's Handbook Compendium compendium expansion. Purchase it here or return to the Compendium." when they log out. But it should be shared with them because I have compendium sharing enabled for the campaign. I have already disabled and re-enabled sharing, but that did not help. We've tried different browsers, sharing edit access to characters, etc., but no fix we've tried works for them. I should note that the compendium works perfectly for me when I'm logged in on my own account (as GM).

Thanks for any help you can provide.

For some reason, when I drag and drop monsters from the SRD compendium, I get a blank character sheet, instead of the NPC stat block. No stats, no nothing.

August 24 (6 years ago)
Stephanie B.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

Joe said:

My players are having trouble using some of the PHB compendium elements. They can see the PHB listings when they search the compendium. They can drag and drop some things from the compendium to the OGL sheet, but not others. For example, the spell "Hideous Laughter" (which is from the SRD) drops into the sheet just fine, but "Tasha's Hideous Laughter" (which is from the PHB) does not. But some things, like the Fireball spell (which has "PHB" next to it) drop in properly. So whether things work or don't is inconsistent.

In addition, at least one of my players is getting the message "You do not own the Player's Handbook Compendium compendium expansion. Purchase it here or return to the Compendium." when they log out. But it should be shared with them because I have compendium sharing enabled for the campaign. I have already disabled and re-enabled sharing, but that did not help. We've tried different browsers, sharing edit access to characters, etc., but no fix we've tried works for them. I should note that the compendium works perfectly for me when I'm logged in on my own account (as GM).

Thanks for any help you can provide.

Thanks for the report. We are aware of some spells, notably Tasha's Hideous Laughter, not dropping correctly and will be fixing it soon.

Compendium sharing is currently only enabled when users are logged into the game. When they are not in-app, they cannot access the compendium (via the web interface We're looking into changing how that works, but it may depend on licensing agreements which are outside of the devs' control.

August 24 (6 years ago)
Stephanie B.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

garrett t. said:

For some reason, when I drag and drop monsters from the SRD compendium, I get a blank character sheet, instead of the NPC stat block. No stats, no nothing.

This is a known issue right now. We have a fix going out next week, but have a very hard time testing it. When the fix goes live, it'll be posted in the Announcements forum in the Release Notes.