I'm sure I'm missing something simple here. I've read through the latest thread back a year though and didn't seem to find how to toggle advantage, disadvantage, etc. on the 5e OGL Character Sheet. For reference, I'm using the toggle option by default on all NPC sheets. That causes the rolls to reference an attribute called advantagetoggle. So I have created 3 macros listed below. I am trying to mass-apply this to multiple selected NPCs silently. The only feedback I get is the name of the macro calling it like #Roll Advantage in chat,. Othertimes I get an error message in chat like so: TypeError: Cannot read property 'substring' of undefined I've copied the macros into notepad and pasted them into the macros and saved them never to have them opened again, still doesn't work. I also have the option on the api script sheet set to update sheet workers. I've also done the macros with and without the apostrophes. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong here? Roll Advantage !setattr --sel --silent --advantagetoggle|'{{query=1}} {{advantage=1}} {{r2=[[@{d20}' Roll Disadvantage !setattr --sel --silent --advantagetoggle|'{{query=1}} {{disadvantage=1}} {{r2=[[@{d20}' Roll Normal !setattr --sel --silent --advantagetoggle|'{{query=1}} {{normal=1}} {{r2=[[0d20'