While its borders are engulfed in wars against the heretics, the inner Norianthian Empire is relatively peaceful. Recently however, there has been a string of strange disappearances in the small town of Ad Pontes. You will be playing as members of the Order of the Inquisitors, a branch of the Imperial Bureau of Investigation trained to detect and prevent the evil use of magic. The Burea is taking all precautions and assigning this case to you. You are ordered to scout, detect, and investigate if there are any signs of evil magic surrounding the case, because if there is it can not be allowed to spread throughout the Empire. If there is any, you are given full authority to put an end to the evil by whatever means necessary before it can happen.
This is a covert, secretive mission and you will be going undercover during the investigation to prevent alarming any potential enemies. You will be using “False identities” that are your background that you will create during character creation. Essentially you will roleplay as inquisitors masquerading as random heroes whom you will create.
This will be a roughly 4 hours one shot (time goes up or down depending on your amount of RP) for 3rd level characters. I am primarily looking for players who are brand new to DnD and will be showing favorable selection to those who have never had the chance to play before because I know how hard it can be sometimes to get started with the game. I will help you through the process of creating new characters as well as running you through the module, though I will expect you to have a basic understanding of the rules before starting including what your character can do.
If this interests you send me a PM or leave a reply below! Please no replies if you have a ton of playtime as this is meant to be a session to help new players get into the hobby!