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General update from Devin Night

Devin N.
Marketplace Creator
Hey everyone, First off thanks for all the support from the community. I wish I had more time to hang out and play games with you fine folk. I'm working on several exciting new packs and post about them every once and while on my blog. I don't make it over here enough but I will try to keep you guys in the loop on upcoming sets. In the next couple weeks I should be wrapping up a "Wild West" token set, some previews below. I also have a cyberpunk and steampunk set waiting to be started. Near April I'll be starting a set based on modern horror. Thanks again for the support. -D
I bought some of your packs. Amazing work! Well invested money i guess. :D
Marketplace Creator
Thank you very much too, sincerely, without your works the world of VTTs wouldnt be the same, just like that. And for what you are showing, this pack its gonna be great!
Sheet Author
Good stuff as usual Devin. As Illo said, VTT's better, for me at least, with some of your fine work, allowing for a truer "miniature" feel. I'm not into cyberpunk/wild west but I still got a couple of your old ones to grab and hopefully you'll do another pass into the fantasy worlds at some point :) Keep up the good work.
Devin N.
Marketplace Creator
Thanks guys, the compliments are always appreciated. Don't worry G, a lot of my custom commissions are still fantasy based so as they accumulate I will release more fantasy based packs.
Hurray for more non-fantasy tokens. These would be perfect for a Deadlands Reloaded game. My group is also gearing up for a sci fi game and hopefully your cyber punk tokens hit the spot. And modern horror sounds perfect for my Deadlands Noir game. I am egarly waiting.
Devin N.
Marketplace Creator
Thanks. Be sure to grab my free sci-fi pack from the marketplace. For those that don't hit my regular site much I also have a free set that can be used with Pathfinder or any other setting. Only available from my site. It's not a gimmick to make you guys visit me, it's one of the rules Paizo has for freely sharing their IP. I'm happy that they allowed me to give it away.