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Github API script.json documentation.

Sheet Author
API Scripter
Since I'm doing and update to the HeathAura script, figured I should get off my butt and document its actual functions. But I cannot find the link to what formatting the description in the script.json needs to make bold, underlined, etc.  Can anyone be a kind soul and link me that info?
It supports the markdown syntax, see <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Sheet Author
API Scripter
If you're updating it, I have a couple of suggestions: I play Pendragon, and in that you get knocked out if HP drop below 1/4 your total. So I'd like the "0 point" to be configurable to either a fixed number (some games use 3HP) or a % of the total (25% in Pendragon).&nbsp; Also, IIRC, HealthAura applies a tint to pc tokens, of the colour that player has selected as their colour. I'd like this option to be a toggelable option that you can switch off. I found it made it very hard to interpret the PCs health auras, because everyone's aura was a slightly different colour. Finally, would you be able to add the hooks that Aarons TokenMod needs, so that we can have a script apply damage to one of the bars, and the aura updates accordingly?

Edited 1533344022
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I can get them not sure If I can get it in this update, as I'm pushing out an update that fixes large token maps for one guy as it crashes his API with a timeout. And Im not the FASTEST coder, so might take a bit to figure some of them out :) The first shouldn't be hard to do. Fixed number would be easy to put in. I can add a toggle to it, but it should be easy to see with it on (might just be 'easy' by my opinion too). The outer larger ring is the health amount. it 'should' always be bigger than the inner player color. I wish you could make auras opaque, that would solve it totally. :) Third. I THINK it has it already, I added something at one time so one of Aaron's (or maybe its was badger I cant remember) could trigger mine at one point. It already has (I believe its called I'd have to double check) HealthColors.Update(obj, prev); that just needs the token as current and previous to make it update. If its something else Aaron needs I'm happy to add it.

Edited 1533348661
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I'm using an older version that I hacked to get the health working with Pendragon, and disable the tint, so I hadnt realised there was a more recent update that had the hooks for scripts. I'll check out the new version! By the way, in case it helps you, I've posted the version I was using at this gist , with the Pendragon HP and Disabled Token Tint for PCs. The altered sections of code are Lines 31-33, and 64-66 were to allow for Pendragon-style HPs Lines 46-49 were commented out to disable the colour tint of PCs. The hard part was figuring out which bits I needed to tweak. The actual tweaks are pretty simple.&nbsp;