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Can I query within an Attribute name

I can't seem to get this to work. I'm trying to get, say the name of a repeating action, but I don't want a button for 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. so here, I put the query in a template, but neither of these methods seem to work correctly. ! ?{ActionNumber} /w gm &{template:npcaction} {{rname=@{target|target|repeating_npcaction_$ ?{ActionNumber} _name}}} {{name=@{target|character_name}}} {{description=**To Hit:** @{target|target|repeating_npcaction_$0_attack_tohitrange} **Damage:** @{target|target|repeating_npcaction_$ ?{ActionNumber} _attack_onhit} **Description:** @{target|target|repeating_npcaction_$ ?{ActionNumber} _description} }} Or here replacing the curly braces with html ! ?{ActionNumber} /w gm &{template:npcaction} {{rname=@{target|target|repeating_npcaction_$ ?{ActionNumber} _name } }} {{name=@{target|character_name}}} {{description=**To Hit:** @{target|target|repeating_npcaction_$0_attack_tohitrange} **Damage:** @{target|target|repeating_npcaction_$ ?{ActionNumber } _attack_onhit} **Description:** @{target|target|repeating_npcaction_$ ?{ActionNumber } _description} }}
I'm guessing not, as even this doesn't work /w gm @{target|target|repeating_npcaction_$?{ActionNumber}_name} or /w gm @{target|target|repeating_npcaction_$?{ActionNumber}_name}
The Aaron
API Scripter
You're correct, this won't work.&nbsp; The reason is the Order of Operations: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Variable substitution (Attributes) happens at step 3, Roll Queries are at step 4.&nbsp; That means it looks for an attribute named "repeating_npcaction_$?{ActionNumber}_name" and fails to find it, then does the query for an ActionNumber.
Alright, so how about, is there the ability to better gracefully handle missing attributes? I've tried using &amp;{noerror} in a Roll Template, but I'm still getting the error messages that at some level of repeating value that it doesn't exists. Like would there be a way to just output blank as opposed to the message that it doesn't exist?
The Aaron
API Scripter
Not really.&nbsp; My views are probably skewed but this seems like it would be easier to handle with an API script.