I would like to propose an option to block player access to attributes for unowned characters (ie. NPCs). This is somewhat parallel to this suggestion where they would like to have attributes hidden from players on their character sheets.
I am specifically looking for a toggle in game settings that just doesn't allow players to see or access them from Roll20 Macros, which opens the opportunity for players to exploit the game by querying NPCs for information like the following example and mentioned in this previous post.
I understand that this is sometimes considered a social contract not to expect your players to do this. But at the same time, I think the system should provide the opportunity to block this information from being access by players also. I'm not asking to block it completely, but only to provide an option to. I understand some people like the ability to automate combat using these values and would want to continue to honor that.
Probably going off topic a bit, but it would be nice if the players didn't have access to their own in game Monster Manual when they are not the GM as well.
/w PlayerName &{template:npcaction} {{rname=Status}} {{name=@{target|character_name}}} {{description=**Bar 1:** @{target|bar1} / @{target|target|bar1|max}
**Bar 2:** @{target|bar2}
**Bar 3:** @{target|bar3}
**CR:** @{target|npc_challenge}
**HP:** @{target|target|hp|max}
**AC:** @{target|npc_ac}
**STR:** @{target|strength} (@{target|strength_mod}) **Save:** @{target|npc_str_save}
**DEX:** @{target|dexterity} (@{target|dexterity_mod}) **Save:** @{target|npc_dex_save}
**CON:** @{target|constitution} (@{target|constitution_mod}) **Save:** @{target|npc_con_save}
**INT:** @{target|intelligence} (@{target|intelligence_mod}) **Save:** @{target|npc_int_save}
**WIS:** @{target|wisdom} (@{target|wisdom_mod}) **Save:** @{target|npc_wis_save}
**CHA:** @{target|charisma} (@{target|charisma_mod}) **Save:** @{target|npc_cha_save}
**Senses:** @{target|npc_senses}
**Immunities:** @{target|npc_immunities}
**Resistances:** @{target|npc_resistances}
**Vulnerabilities:** @{target|npc_vulnerabilities}