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Introducing ... Cthulhu's Improv Challenge!

Cthulhu’s Improv Challenge is a Lovecraftian role playing game challenge for adventurous GMs and forgiving players . Since this is a no-prep gaming challenge, it is a great way to save a gaming session with too many absentee players. The challenge uses the Cthulhu Dark gaming system, a complete RPG in just 3 pages! Cthulhu Dark was written by Graham Walmsley and is freely distributed online. The "rules" of Cthulhu’s Improv Challenge are simple. With no previous preparation, the GM surveys the players for an adventure seed or rolls for a random seed from this table . After choosing a seed, the GM begins prepping a one-shot, one-session Lovecraftian scenario using whatever tools are at their disposal. Meanwhile, the players should begin reading the 3-page core rulebook and creating their characters. Ideally, the GM should have about 15 minutes to plan. Then, play begins! If you have any feedback about this idea, I would like to hear it. Also, if you have adventure seed ideas, PM me or post them here. Remember, seeds should be vague and they should not choose the specific Mythos entities involved ... that's up to the GM.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Great concept! It;s a bit flawed in the sense that the seed gives the GM very little to go on, on what kind of characters the players will design. That might not matter too much with Cthulhu Dark. There are games like In a Wicked Age which have the group draw 4 cards for plot seeds, and then design characters directly related to those plot seeds. Having some way for the players and GM to collaborate in this way, before designing characters, would make the challenge easier on the GM, I think, but it still looks like a fun challenge as it is.