Apply Here: <a href="https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/129572/d-and-d-5e-tomb-of-annihilation-monday-2pm-eastern" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/129572/d-and-d-5e-tomb-of-annihilation-monday-2pm-eastern</a> Welcome to the Jungle, Adventurers! Tomb of Annihilation is a Dungeons & Dragons adventure that takes place on the peninsula of Chult in the Forgotten Realms. Chult is a tropical wilderness composed mostly of jungles, plateaus, impassable mountains, and belching volcanoes. Something evil is trapping the souls of the dead and draining life from all who have been raised from death by magic. This worldwide “death curse” not only prevents the raising of the dead but also causes creatures that were previously raised from the dead to wither and die. Your group will be sent to Chult to discover what exactly is going on (hint: it has something to do with the Tomb of Annihilation). Game Information Schedule: Weekly, Mondays at 2:00 PM EST/EDT (GMT-4) First Session: Monday, October 1 Game Length: ~3 hours per session. Pay to Play: $75 USD/player each month via Paypal. Session 0 is free. Campaign Setting: Chult and the Forgotten Realms - Standard 5e Setting Starting Level: 1 Group Size: 6 Starting Level: 1 This is not a PVP game. Actions against other player characters that create inter-party conflict (basically, any action that removes player agency) are not allowed. This isn't to say that characters can't disagree, but rather that D&D is a team-based game and behavior that breaks that team spirit is generally disruptive to the game. No bullying, sexism, racism, homophobia, or other intolerant behavior will be allowed. Roleplay is strongly encouraged, including character voices, developing character backgrounds, etc. Communication Methods: Voice is mandatory. Discord is required for game session audio as well as out of game communication. Character Creation Details We are using D&D 5e rules. Character Creation: You can use the Player Handbook, Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide, Volo's Guide to Monsters, Xanathar's Guide, and Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes for character creation. I will consider other sources (such as Unearthed Arcana or other adventures) on a case-by-case basis, but prefer to stick to the published books with groups that are just forming. No evil characters - in my experience this generally leads to trouble within the group, unless everyone is on board and has discussed from the beginning. I encourage cooperation and a shared sense of adventure in my games. All characters start at level 1. Point Buy or Standard Array of 15,14,13,12,10,8 (for details on these methods, refer to your PHB). If you wish to roll for stats, this must be done on the tabletop with me. Backgrounds: This adventure contains two new character backgrounds: Anthropologist and Archaeologist. Character hooks: There is a large collection of character hooks provided with this adventure to connect your character to the story, based on any of the chosen backgrounds in the allowed materials. Characters should be created prior to Session 0. Access to in-game character sheets will be provided once you have joined the game. A private Discord server will also be available to discuss character creation and part composition questions prior to Session 0 Backstory: While I highly recommend a backstory, I also suggest that it not be too involved or elaborate. Find one or two simple hooks that can define your character. Since we are playing a pre-built module, backstory will usually be secondary to the goals of the pre-written campaign we are working through, and is largely for flavor and roleplay as a player rather than major story beats. If you have very strong ideas about particular events or specific characters in a backstory, please make sure you run them by me before committing to them, as I will need to make sure they can fit into the world. Death I feel the need to note - this is a much more deadly setting than a lot of the other 5e adventures. By the very nature of the death curse, there is no character resurrection. There will be traps, random encounters, and a wild and deadly continent to explore. I don't go into games wanting to kill players because I like to see story lines and character arcs grow, but death seems more likely in this adventure than in others. Consider this fair warning, and also an opportunity to discuss with me how you might like to handle character death in this game. Player Expectations: D&D works best when players share mutual respect and trust with each other. Being comfortable at the table is earned by knowing you can trust the players around you. To facilitate that, here are a few expectations I have from my players. I realize this campaign is designed for both new and experienced players, and will work to make sure everyone at the table has a good time, regardless of skill level. I will be on time to games, every week. My weekly participation is vital to the group's progression, safety, and overall enjoyment of the game. I realize that life happens, and am able to communicate on a timely basis anything that may come up to cause me to miss a session (but, seriously, I'm not going to miss any sessions). I will also be gracious to others in the group if they need to miss a session. I will stay engaged while we are playing. I will cooperate with the DM during the game and accept rulings that are made at the table. Unless it is something that can be resolved very quickly during the game, I'll talk with the DM afterwards instead of breaking the flow of the game if I believe a ruling is in error. I will not be rude or disruptive. I will assume that my character has a reason for adventuring with the others, and will act in general cooperation with them. I have a mic with good sound quality and a stable internet connection. I will download Discord for out-of-game discussion and communication. I will perform character sheet maintenance (such as leveling, etc.) outside of campaign hours. DM Expectations I will be on time to games, every session. I will communicate clearly and in a timely manner any schedule abnormalities or other issues. I respect all players equally. I will be thoroughly prepared for each session. I will be fair in my rulings. I will work to give each character opportunities throughout every session and the longer-term campaign to shine. I will listen to player feedback and tailor the gaming experience to the group's desires. I will provide a high quality collaborative experience which entertains and challenges. About the DM Hi, I'm Loren. My background is in film and television, and I bring storytelling front and center to D&D. I love helping my groups have epic adventures. My DM style tends to be collaborative and inclusive. I like to say "yes" to my players as a means to create exciting, memorable moments. I like to bring characters alive through voices (I'm always happy when I can pull out my Scottish dwarf voice), and I like to use music to set the tone for each scene. To me, the more I can do to emotionally involve my players, the more immersed in the world they will be, making the game better for everyone. Check out my Youtube Channel for Actual Play video to get a sense of what one of my games might be like: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3m12ps9Fs5NQvqazp_I3LQ" rel="nofollow">https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3m12ps9Fs5NQvqazp_I3LQ</a> Quotes from Players: I have played some form or another of D&D for 8 years now, and nearly two of those years I’ve known Loren. He is without a doubt the most creative and talented person I’ve had the pleasure of playing with. Not only are his games fun, but the decisions he makes for the characters in the game make sense (and usually lead to an interesting story I feel excited about uncovering). If you like action, suspense, and drama, Loren is your man. - Thomas B. As a first time user of Roll20, I couldn’t have asked for a better DM than Loren. He is always well prepared and very welcoming of any questions, thoughts, or concerns during, before, or after the session. Would definitely recommend him to anyone, and hope to run more campaigns with him. - Chris E. I've played with Loren for over a year and a half. We've gone through a number of WOTC modules. Loren has done a great job of managing the stories but also adding things to it related to our character backgrounds. He comes up with voices and personalities for NPCs which are great; I believe he's been fair in any rulings on gameplay; he's always prepared. I would highly recommend Loren as a DM. - Brad Loren is the best game master that I've had the pleasure to roll with because he puts his players first. For a year and a half, he has been dedicated to my fun, my character's story, and the creation and maintenance of a world that responds realistically and dynamically to every single bat-shit crazy scheme and plot that I throw at him. Loren is a master listener and will work with you to create the fully-realized gaming experience that you clicked on this listing to find. - James Loren is a fantastic GM, and I look forward to game night every week. He knows the modules he runs back to front, and prepares thoroughly by making his own maps and custom content. He's a very fair DM, with a great sense of humour. I can't recommend him enough! -Name Witheld A magnificent storyteller! Loren keeps the balance between a challenge and too easy perfectly. He blends fighting and RP with grace and allows us to explore things and keep true to our characters. He is prepared and ready for whatever random thing our group decides to do (you can talk to the townspeople about claiming that run down keep -- after all you did clean out the undead from it.) His maps are great quality, his characters unique with different voices and personalities. He makes decisions that make sense for the story or the character, and is willing to listen and discuss reasons why a character may or may not be able to know or do something, and we can always TRY and see what happens. (Roll those dice!) Truly a wonderful experience you do NOT want to miss out! -Finn Loren Is a great GM. I'm currently in a campaign with him and fully enjoying my time. His stories are well developed, his character voices are great, and he is more than happy to work with the players to make something happen. Give him a chance and you won't be disappointed. -Justin Why Should I Pay? Here are some very good reasons to pay to play in this game: No DM bailing. I'm here for the long haul, and your payment helps make sure of that. I run multiple on-going groups with long-term players. This is my full-time job, and I take it seriously. Committed players. Players who pay are invested in making this work financially. Everyone at the table has some stakes in making this a good experience. Avoid the difficulty of getting into a game. There are tons of players on Roll20, and significantly less DM's. A good DM. Let's face it - even if you get into a game, the quality levels of DM's can have a significant variance. Your payment brings you into a quality game. Quality preparation. Your payment not only helps pay for the session time, but also the preparation I put into the game. That includes not only things like thinking up fun new encounters or extending the pre-built story with custom content, but also stuff like answering your questions outside of game time, and helping develop your character as the game goes on. High quality Roll20 modules. Your payment also helps me purchase expensive Roll20 modules - like the one you are about to play! This is a beautifully constructed module, with tons of handouts, great maps, and other bells and whistles. If I had to build it all by hand, it would be hundreds of hours of work. Pro Roll20 Features. I'll be using API scripts, dynamic lighting, and other Pro features that will enhance the gaming experience. Shared Compendium. I purchase all compendium content and share it with my games. This provides easy access to all official 5e resources that are currently supported by the Roll20 Compendium system. Obligatory Roll20 disclaimer: *This game will require payment to the Game Master at a rate of $75 USD/player/month via PayPal. Roll20 is not responsible for any payment transactions and cannot enforce any private arrangements.* Subscription and Refund Policy The monthly subscription to this game is $75. This is a discount from my standard rate of $25/Session. This discounted subscription takes into consideration that people will occasionally need to miss a game session for various life reasons, and refunds will not be provided for single missed sessions. Refunds for sessions will occur for the following reasons: If the DM is notified of an extended need for absence over multiple weeks (such as vacation, illness, etc.) If there are technical issues with Roll20 that cause the game to be cancelled. If the DM is forced to cancel a session for any reason. If holidays will create more than one skipped session in a month. At the DM's discretion for any other reasons. In other words, please talk with me, I'm happy to try to accommodate your situation. As the DM, I reserve the right to accept, deny, or remove players from the game, as well as the right to cancel the campaign at any time. Should any of these extreme situations occur, outstanding subscription balances will be refunded in full to all effected parties. Holidays This game will observe standard US Holidays and no games will be held unless otherwise determined by a group decision. Depending on the geographic group makeup, other holidays will be considered for inclusion in this list. Currently these holidays include: The weekend prior to Christmas through New Years Day. (For 2018-19: Friday Dec 21 - Jan 1) Memorial Day (May 27, 2019) Easter (April 21, 2019) Independence Day (July 4) Labor Day (Sep 2, 2019) The week of Thanksgiving (For 2018: Sunday Nov 18 - Sunday Nov 25) How to Apply Please apply at the LFG Application page: <a href="https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/129572/d-and-d-5e-tomb-of-annihilation-monday-2pm-eastern" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/129572/d-and-d-5e-tomb-of-annihilation-monday-2pm-eastern</a>