First off, welcome to Roll20. Secondly; it is generally recommended filling out your profile as complete as possible. The bio section can have a little bit of Hi, this is me type of information ( do not put specific personal info there as this is an online site and you have to be careful about what information you share ) which could contain why you are waiting to game or what got your interest to try gaming, the enjoys playing section is where you select game systems you are interested in, and the actively seeking group section is similar to the enjoys playing but is more enabling the player directory and such. For the third bit, after you fill out your profile, take a stroll through the game search listing . There are many filters you can enable to narrow your search down.such as type of system, day/time, type of game (voice, text, etc...), and more. You can also try out the tutorial gameboard which will run you through the Roll20 game board features and get you somewhat familiar with Roll20. Good luck and hope you have fun.