Jeremy said: On a side note, I tried including a query for the damage type, and got some strange results. So I am using these two queries. Damage: 1d8 + ?{Sneak Attack|No, 0|Yes, [[ ceil((@{base_level}) / 2) ]]d6}[Sneak Attack] Type: ?{Sneak Attack|No, Piercing|Yes, Piercing + Sneak Attack} However, when I do this, it prints the dice output from the damage query in the type field. Any ideas why this might be happening? I can't help but feel like this is a bug. When I look at the called code, it should work properly. @{Diego|wtype}&{template:atkdmg} {{mod=+5}} {{rname=Rapier}} {{r1=[[@{Diego|d20}cs>20 + 3[DEX] + 2[PROF]]]}} @{Diego|rtype}cs>20 + 3[DEX] + 2[PROF]]]}} {{attack=1}} {{range=}} {{damage=1}} {{dmg1flag=1}} {{dmg1=[[1d8 + ?{Sneak Attack|No, 0|Yes, [[ ceil((@{Diego|base_level}) / 2) ]]d6}[Sneak Attack] + 3[DEX]]]}} {{dmg1type=?{Sneak Attack|No,Piercing|Yes,Piercing + Sneak Attack} }} 0 {{dmg2=[[0]]}} {{dmg2type=}} {{crit1=[[1d8 + ?{Sneak Attack|No, 0|Yes, [[ ceil((@{Diego|base_level}) / 2) ]]d6}[Sneak Attack][CRIT]]]}} {{crit2=[[0[CRIT]]]}} 0 {{desc=}} {{spelllevel=}} {{innate=}} {{globalattack=@{Diego|global_attack_mod}}} {{globaldamage=[[0]]}} {{globaldamagecrit=[[0]]}} {{globaldamagetype=@{Diego|global_damage_mod_type}}} ammo= @{Diego|charname_output} This is because you cannot reuse a query and expect a different result. Once you answer a query, any other queries of the same name are replaced with the same answer. So when this macro gets to the damage type section, rather than it re-asking the query, it finds 2d6. If you want to have the damage field display you will need to either change the name of its query (thus making you select Sneak Attack twice), or add the damagetype tag and crit1 tag into the query. @{Diego|wtype}&{template:atkdmg} {{mod=+5}} {{rname=Rapier}} {{r1=[[@{Diego|d20}cs>20 + 3[DEX] + 2[PROF]]]}} @{Diego|rtype}cs>20 + 3[DEX] + 2[PROF]]]}} {{attack=1}} {{range=}} {{damage=1}} {{dmg1flag=1}} {{dmg1=[[1d8 + 3[Dex] + ?{Sneak Attack
|No, 0[Sneak Attack] ]]}} {{dmg1type=Piercing}} {{crit1=[[1d8 + 0[Sneak Attack]
|Yes, [[ ceil((@{Diego|base_level}) / 2) ]]d6[Sneak Attack] ]]}} {{dmg1type=Piercing + Sneak Attack}} {{crit1=[[1d8 + [[ ceil((@{Diego|base_level}) / 2) ]]d6[Sneak Attack] } ]]}} 0 {{dmg2=[[0]]}} {{dmg2type=}} {{crit2=[[0[CRIT]]]}} 0 {{desc=}} {{spelllevel=}} {{innate=}} {{globalattack=@{Diego|global_attack_mod}}} {{globaldamage=[[0]]}} {{globaldamagecrit=[[0]]}} {{globaldamagetype=@{Diego|global_damage_mod_type}}} ammo= @{Diego|charname_output}