I've been using the 5e OGL Character Sheet for some time, and I'm always a little jealous of some really great features found on other character sheets that make them extremely user friendly. I'd like to see the 5e OGL Sheet include the improvements listed below. These should apply to both PCs and NPCs. Conditions There should be an area to include the conditions currently on the Character. These include things like Prone, Unconscious, Poisoned, etc. etc. Likewise, there should be the ability to add custom conditions. This is something that every Pathfinder Sheet has (though they implement the relevant modifiers that are incurred by having those conditions applied). These conditions should have a print option as mentioned below for Skills, Attacks, etc. In a perfect world, the Combat Tracker would be tied to characters and allow conditions to be included in the Combat Tracker. That's a different topic all together. Examples of other Sheets with this feature 5e Shaped Community Sheet Starfinder Official Sheet Pathfinder Official Sheet Pathfinder Community Sheet Output Lists to Chat Nearly every community sheet and Pathfinder Sheet again has the ability to output Macro Buttons into chat for all of the items included in a type. These should include: Attacks Features and Traits (PCs) Actions (NPCs) Traits (NPCs) Legendary Actions (NPCs) Reactions (NPCs) Senses (NPCs) Spells Skills Saves Ability Checks Inventory Items (with links to Handouts / Compendium: See Below) Proficiencies & Tools (included for completeness) Likewise, sometimes it would be useful to simply output values to chat. These do not include Macro Buttons, but rather a cleanly formatted Rollable Template that shows values for reference. These "values" could be included in the output above, removing the need for a separate output. But I'll list these commonly referenced things here as there's a few additions: Ability Score Values Saves Skill Values Damage Vulnerabilities (NPCs) Damage Resistances (NPCs) Damage Immunities (NPCs) Condition Immunities (NPCs) Senses Languages Class Resources Names and Values Inventory Other Posts that include this type of suggestion: Added Functionality to NPC sheets on 5e OGL Sheet 5th Edition OGL Sheet, NPC Sheet Should have Token Macro Checkbox Examples of other Sheets with this feature 5e Shaped Community Sheet Starfinder Official Sheet Pathfinder Community Sheet Links to Compendium Entries & Handouts Anything that is added to the character sheet that comes from the Compendium should link to the Compendium entry it references. This exists on one of the Pathfinder Sheets already, so it's possible. Why couldn't the text visible link to where the item came from (either a Compendium Entry or a Handout), while still offering the ability edit the text by expanding the item. This will be even more important in the future when new Marketplace content becomes available expanding the Compendium (or if the Custom Compendium Entries suggestion every becomes a thing). A few places where things are linked to the Compendium that come to mind are: Inventory Spells Features and Traits (if Class Features ever become drag & drop enabled) Class Skills Conditions (see above) Tools Examples of other Sheets with this feature Pathfinder Official Additional Damage Fields Currently the Attack Actions allow for only 2 Damage entries. Damage Modifiers for the most part solve this issue, but they require being toggled on and off from the character sheet. There have been other requests for more damage entries and there's few reasons why this would provide an easier workflow during the game. To use a Damage or Attack Modifier, you have to open the character sheet and toggle these entries on and off. Whereas you can drag a weapon attack to your macro bar, and within the damage fields you can include a query as to whether to include the modifier like so ( ?{Sneak Attack|No, 0|Yes, [[
ceil((@{base_level}) / 2) ]]d6}[Sneak Attack]). There are some challenges with this methodology however, such as selecting no from this query doesn't exclude this damage modifier's damage type from the output. I would think that the damage fields could include a toggle to query if that damage field should be included in the attack. — This could be fixed if macros could better handle the same query value being chosen but allowing different return values. This ultimately would mean, that you could simply just drag one attack to the macro bar, and allow the attack to query the user for each damage type if it's included (or automatically include it if the toggle was set properly). Other Posts that include this type of suggestion: Adding in Damage type 3 & 4 to 5thed OGL char sheet Ability to Modify any Attribute with Inventory Items Currently Inventory items only support creating Attack Actions and modification of AC with the Mod: field. There should be a way to add modifiers for any value / attribute really. One example brought up the other day were items that improve Initiative. There's also items in the DMG that improve Ability Scores like Codex of Dexterity. Better Manage Ability Score History Today users can willy nilly change Ability Score values, and it can become painstaking to understand how these values have changed over time. This will become more and more complicated as the Charactermancer implements the ability to support leveling up. I noticed that the Pathfinder Playtest sheet actually supported the ability to record the creation of the Ability Scores within a "cog menu" (though that system uses a fundamentally different way to build Attribute scores). It would be convenient if somewhere on the sheet, either in the background in a similar cog menu or the sheet options where the incremental changes to Ability Scores are stored. This would include placeholders for the following. Initial Values (point buy, rolling, etc.) Milestone Levels that provide Attribute Increases (4, 8, 12, 16) Modifier values that users can just add for various reasons This would make keeping track of changes to Attribute scores over time easier, and considering the above improvement example for items like Codex of Dexterity; it would be easy to add that item's modifier and understand how an ability score's final value was determined / created. Examples of other Sheets with this feature Pathfinder Playtest Official Sheet Calculate Initiative at Runtime The Initiative Modifier field in the options get's added to Initiative whenever the modifier is changed using what I assume is a Sheet Worker. This limits the ability to query the user at Runtime or when the action is clicked for additional modifiers. This is referencing the same example above where the user's Initiative could changed if he had an item equipped / unequipped. If initiative used a calculated value you could for example include a query in the Initiative Modifier field like so: ?{Super Initiative Item Equipped|Yes,2|No,0}. This would prompt the user when they click initiative to include this special bonus. This isn't possible today because the way Initiative is calculated when the Modifier value is changed. Spells Known or Prepared A field on the spell sheet that lists the available spells known or prepared based on class would make it easier for players to manage their spells as they level. Often times, I have to remind players how to calculate their spells, or create a macro for them to print in chat the number of spells available. Simply listing this at the top of the sheet would make this easier. NPC Traits Section like PC Traits The NPC traits section uses an old expandable field method of displaying its contents. These entries should be like the traits section on a PC Character sheet, where there is a cog to edit the contents. When not being edited, the contents can be expanded or collapsed and have a method to print the trait to chat. It seems like every NPC that comes with the Monster Manual and any WotC content have many of these fields showing very little content and constantly have to be tweaked. The expand / collapse functionality of the PC sheet makes it much easier to see all of the text for the Traits. Passive Perception for NPCs Currently passive_wisdom only works for PCs. This is a common stat needed by GMs to at-a-glance know if a creature, PC or NPC notices something. Currently, there's no way to add a PC's Passive Perception to one of the Bar's / Bubbles above its token without needing to go to the character sheet, check the Wisdom Modifier and the Skills Section to determine if they have a bonus, then adding 10. NPCs should be able to simply select an attribute from the drop-down like for any other stat.