We've officially pushed Charactermancer support for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game to the live server! This is free and available for everyone to enjoy. To get going with it, fire up a game using the official Pathfinder by Roll20 character sheet, create a character, and the new Charactermancer options will be available to you!
Please take note of the release notes below, and let us know any issues you encounter. Your feedback is most valuable!
As always, thanks so much to Natha for his incredible amount of work on making these features a reality.
Pathfinder by Roll20 Charactermancer & Character Sheet v1.16 release notes
The Charactermancer for Pathfinder allows for the creation of level 1 characters utilizing core rulebook content from the PRD. It will add/calculate to the finalized character:
- stats
- skills
- class & race features
- feats (fully loaded)
- spells (fully loaded)
- spell-like abilities (fully loaded)
- No equipment support
- No attacks
- Custom race allows for customized stat adjustment, speed, and size. All other custom race features should be entered manually on the character sheet after the Charactermancer is completed.
- All custom class features should be entered manually on the character sheet after the Charactermancer is completed.
PC Character sheet new features:
- New game settings for disabling the Charactermancer
- New character : if the game settings allow for the launch of the Charactermancer for new characters (which is the default), a new pop-up message appears on the sheet of a newly created character, with 3 clickable options : continue with the Charactermancer, cancel Charactermancer and enter the sheet manually, or create an NPC.
- Skill ranks per class : Skill points per class are now detailed in the Class section of the Configuration tab. The total is reported on the main tab. The Charactermancer also feeds these data.
- Speed bonus per class : a bonus to speed can be entered in the Class section of the Configuration tab, per class. The Charactermancer can feed this data.
- Relaunch Charactermancer from the Configuration tab
NPC Character sheet new features:
- Dropping a creature from the compendium (or on a newly created NPC)
- from a Bestiary creature : will create a fully fledged NPC with
- every clickable melee and ranged attacks, special attacks, spells, spell-like abilities, feats etc., fully loaded
- art and a properly sized token with preset bubbles (Green: HP, Blue: AC)
- icons for monster type, climate and terrain in the sheet header
- from a PRD monster : will create an NPC with
- all the standard attributes and information
- clickable melee and ranged attacks, and feats
- information text for special attacks, spells and spell-like abilities
- New attribute “MR” (Mythic Rank). Displays MR + value in NPC header, filled from Compendium drop or entered manually.
- New text field attribute “Skill Notes/Misc”. To display not set skills like "+15 to three Knowledge skills", from Compendium drop or entered manually.
- New text field attribute “Initiative Notes/Misc”. To display, in sheet and in roll, Initiative supplementary information from Compendium or entered manually.
- Three new Misc/Notes attributes for Special Attacks, Spells and Spell-like abilities. Filled automatically respectively with Special Attacks, Spells and Spell-like abilities for PRD Monsters dropped from Compendium. Displayed on the sheet. Non PRD Monsters will have fully functional entries.
- Spells can be dragged on the appropriate spell section (per level), or spell-like ability, to add the spell, without clicking the plus button
- Feats can be dragged on the appropriate section, to add the feat, without clicking the plus button
- New per hour, week, month and year frequency of usage for spell-like abilities.