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Interest Check- Marvel Super Heroes Faserip

Looking for 5 people to play in a campaign , once we get enough interest ill invite interested players, and set up play session time and date
Sounds fun
I'm new to rp'ing, but this does sound fun, if you don't mind helping me get my bearings
You plan on using TSR rules? I still have my Ultimate Powers book somewhere LOL.  Contingent on time/day and if I'm compatible I'm definitely game.  Excelsior!
Rerednaw said: You plan on using TSR rules? I still have my Ultimate Powers book somewhere LOL.  Contingent on time/day and if I'm compatible I'm definitely game.  Excelsior! Yes the Advanced Set Rules as shown above, Games would be on Saturday nights 7-11pm CENTRAL time
that time doesn't work so well for me, but I do wish you good luck
id like to play even though im not familiar with the rules.
aw crap weekends are bad for me sorry.  good luck with the game...I had a blast when played all those years ago :)
I probably to make it to this game. Would we have to roll for powers or could we pick powers, how open will character creation be? Btw this was a fun and great product;had a blast each time I have played it.
I am great at playing The Blue Eyed Thing
Is this using the FASERIP system?  ive been looking for people to play this with for YEARS. I have never played it but ive seen videos and looked into the books,  ive even made a couple heroes.
Guess this is dead. I'm interested in running another type of superhero game if anyones interested. Google Rotted Capes and IM me if it peaks your interest. EST
not dead. looking to run a fun campaign with action and plot
Are you playing in the Marvel Universe? Would you be using the classic characters? Would you consider playing in the DC Universe? There are writeups for all the characters online.  I'd love to play as Batman.
Not dead you say? Count me interested, probably. I'd like to hear a bit more about the campaign you want to run. How many more players do you need to start the game up? I might be able to pull some other players in, but no promises.
I love the old FASERIP system! If this is happening, please count me in. I'll keep your posts on my 12 o'clock. Saturday nights sound fine to me (I'm EST).
number of players im think 5 like most super hero groups ,looking to maybe run a module then expand into a campaign
Totally interested
I am very interested in playing.
Also very interested, but likely too late.
I love FASERIP.  The character that this account is based on first began as a MSH hero back in 98.  I could be interested, though it would depend on if this is turns into a voice or text game.
Just wondering if you know of the RPG called "ICONS" - If not, worth having a look into as well. A mix between marvel and DC. But basically a super hero game too...
Will be setting up a Game after the Holidays so its not to late. lot of stuff to go over system wise, and later down the line we might integrate Dc . so dont despair it is going to happen. just to busy to set up now
And for the record i do Voice and Video via Roll20 and DISCORD
Thanks for the answer.  Good luck with your game.
See? Discord
I love it. What is the general plan for characters? Pregens, some form of 'choose' array or the good old 'EVERYTHING RANDOM; ROLL SUCKAAAS *maniacal laughter*'?
Just wondering, you still plan to run this game on Saturdays since it mentioned a month ago.
fridays or saturdays i dont know yet
Gotcha.  If you go Fridays, Im game :)
I would also be interested.  Long-time role-player, but new to FASERIP.  I've wanted to try it for a long time though.  Just never had other players who were interested.  Big Marvel comics fan from back in the day.

Edited 1543020519
Can I respectfully ask if you would be willing to use the AWESOME FASERIP retro-clone? You can download it free on Drivethru RPG and can order print copies online.  Since it is a free game I wonder if the mods would allow me to link it on here for you? You can find it by its title, FASERIP.   It is a much better version of the rules from the original Marvel TSR game. It consolidates the rules, updates some of the old issues, and explains the rules better as well.
Sorry no OSR . playing Advanced Ruleset  only
A shame.  FASERIP really fixes the issue the old Marvel game had.  Maybe I'll run it or MHR on here myself to get some games in.
If anyone to run this during the week, including Fridays, I it might be down for it AS LONG AS WE CAN MAKE OUT OWN CHARACTER - NO INTEREST AT ALL IN PLAYING PRE-GENS. Aside from that, weekends are a no go for me
I can't find a group for Marvel Super Heroes. I saw this in the forums though and would be interested if you are still doing it. 
this is still happening , just busy with life stuff. will post game as soon as i can

Edited 1549646099
Cool! I still have this box set. Send me details. Date, times, discord info and so forth. Curious, pre-gens or custom characters allowed? Just looking for a one off as I've played this a ton. It would be fun to revisit it.
custom characters, and this will be a campaign once it gets started
Interested in playing a classics marvel game... currently trying to restart my marvel zombie game on roll20 but also want to play... Send invite
game will be announced soon
I'd be interested. I was actually rereading the rules recently and not-too-seriously pondering if it would work well for an Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. style campaign. Actually playing? That I would consider seriously.
Heya Tim, I remember seeing this posting back in October. I have to be honest, I didn't think it was going to happen since there was such a long delay but glad to see it coming together. I agree with daddystabz that the retro-clone FASERIP is a very good fix but I can also see the appeal of the classic MSH stuff as it was. I myself run an ICONS (DC alternate Earth/timeline) game on Wednesdays but would love to play in a supers game as well. I can do Saturdays and I'm pretty sure I have everything MSH that was ever published so that won't be a problem. I would like to know if you are doing pre-gens, randoms or other method for characters. What city/country in game would be a nice to know thing and am I going to need popcorn or sandwiches for the game? Heh, I'd like to play if you still have room in the game. Thanks for considering me.