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[LFP][5E - Homebrewed] ~ Need experienced roleplayers! ~ 1 or 2 more players for a full party~ *Heavy RP*


Edited 1539793602
Adventurers, Heroes, Travelers from the Wilds,&nbsp;&nbsp; We have a solid group of roleplayers already. Looking for one or two more players are enthusiastic and like to be immersed in the world we play in. Experienced Roleplayers are priority!&nbsp; &nbsp; ++++++++++ Bi-weekly sessions: Every Tuesday and Thursday night starting @ 7 - 7:30 pm EST ++++++++++++++ -Beginnings- The young child fidgets and bounces from foot to foot as he waits for you to take the slightly damp scroll from his sweaty palm. With a slight grimace, you pluck the moist but otherwise clean scroll in between two fingers, and notice a large red wax seal. Your attention is drawn back to the boy, who hasn't lowered his hand yet. You look at him with a puzzled expression, and he extends the palm out futher towards you. Realization hits you as you pat your trousers for coin, half-heartedly, because you already knew you would find none. You give him an apologetic look, and a shrug, and he returns the favor with a middle finger as he runs away. You feel a little bad, maybe a twinge of anger, but it goes away as you see him running off carrying a heavy sack filled to the brim with similar scrolls. With a sigh, you turn around and head back into your small house.&nbsp; The scroll is blank. After carefully, gently removing the wax seal, you unroll the scroll, suspense rising from the bottom of your stomach, only to see a blank page. Curious... you turn the scroll around to see if the back contained any writing. Nope. All blank. As you are about to toss the scroll on the ground, you become aware of small lines of black ink begin to scrawl itself on the page in a flowy font.&nbsp; Dear Potential&nbsp; Victim , Employee, I noticed you are in need of coin. The look of shame that crossed your face when you didn't have a single copper penny to spare says it all.&nbsp; My name is Kalzahar, you may call me Kal. Or better yet, how about Boss? The big cheese? Mr. Kahuna, maybe? No, that won't do. Call me Master Kal. That'll do. If you received this scroll, that means you have been selected. Chosen to be great! I shouldn't have to say that it would be very wise to accept this position. It's not like I've sent thousands of scrolls across the lands in hopes to find gullible victims employees, oh wait... did I say gullible? Great now I lost my train of thought! ♥♥♥♥. Well hurry up and fill out the form below, a magical quill will appear once you're ready, wonderous magicks and all, blah blah blah. If you don't want to reply on this scroll, add me as a friend and send it through DMs! What I would like from the potential victims players would be the following: -Required- Name/Nickname: Age: Timezone: Day/Time Available: -Required Roleplay Not Optional- Character Name: Place of birth: (SELECT FROM THIS MAP)&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Appearance:&nbsp; Preferred Class: -Optional but recommended- Background: (Keep in mind you will start as level 1, so keep it simple, you're not a grand knight yet or a deadly assassin.) One Good Trait: One Bad Flaw: I say, you look tired of the life you live. How about an adventure? I'll be waiting...&nbsp;

Edited 1539737682
Hello I would love to join, I DM a game on Sundays with friends and seriously been feeling the need to play actual game as a PC.&nbsp;&nbsp; Name: &nbsp;Chase Age:20 Timezone: Eastern standard time Time available, Monday-Friday before 9 PM EST, and Sundays no later than 7:30 PM&nbsp; Preferred class: Warlock&nbsp; Background:&nbsp; Odd never had a fair life growing up. He was an orphan on the streets of a poor town and was never treated quite like the rest of the town folk. As an orphan child he never had a real name and the other children would often make fun of him calling him names such as “Odd” Being one of them &nbsp;so out of spite “Odd” is what he prefers to be called. One day when Odd was scavenging about a mysterious man came to him seemingly out of nowhere. He Offered Odd the chance to learn magic as a better way to survive; Odd jumped at the offer, but he soon realized the error of his ways when he found out he made a pact with a Fiend. When the town discovered that Odd had made a pact with a Fiend they banished him out of fear of what he might become. Odd has been wandering around the world ever since… One good trait: Despite his banishment, Odd is very much a people person, he loves talking to anyone who can hear his voice and can even learn a thing or two when it comes to gathering information One Bad Trait: Because of his pact with a Fiend, Odd can sometimes... Lose himself in the heat of a battle and can get quite violent.
-Required- Name/Nickname: Luke Age: 28 Timezone: EST Day/Time Available: Monday, tuesday, wednesday and thursday after 6 PM - my schedule can be flexible, so let me know what you're thinking. -Required Roleplay Not Optional- Character Name: Karlor The Magnificent Place of birth: (SELECT FROM THIS MAP)&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Appearance: From beneath a horned helm rests a rigid, stoic and undeniably the most handsome lower half of a face you may have ever seen.&nbsp; On either side of his strong jaw, two gleaming pauldrons rest upon his shoulders.&nbsp; A long, white cape flows behind that flutters only inches about the ground.&nbsp; Though his eyes can not be seen, his golden locks and masculine figure speak volumes.&nbsp; Could this be a man, or a golden god? Preferred Class: Paladin Race: Simic Hybrid&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> -Optional but recommended- Background:&nbsp; Not all children are born magnificent. &nbsp;Most are born wretched, crying babes who would drown in a puddle of their own making if not coddled. &nbsp;Weak, feckless, forlorn. Not Karlor. He was born magnificent. &nbsp;He would tell you the tale himself of the night he was conceived not of men, but gods. &nbsp;It was not nine months, but two, before he was born within the fiery heart of a volcano during a raging storm. &nbsp;His mother lie next to the carcass of a demon, its foul blood still fresh and trickling into the magma below. It was the first thing Karlor saw. &nbsp;That, and the muscled form of his father atop the slain beast still holding the blade he used to claim its life. “Dear son” spoke his father “Thine name is Karlor, son of Regna and Harl, king of kings and you are magnificent .” &nbsp;Thunder roared as a single bolt of lightning struck through the maw of the volcano and made impact with Karlor. &nbsp;Rain fell, or was it the tears of angels, weeping with joy at the birth of their destined hero? Karlor straighted himself on his stool and took another drink. “Heed my words, for they are the truth. &nbsp;One day you will all see it so.” A disgruntled looking man on the other end of the bar groaned. “Same old shit, Karlor. &nbsp;We’ve heard this story a thousand times before. Destined for what? To keep that stool warm from now until you’re cold and dead?” &nbsp;He may have said something else, but it was drowned out by laughter. Karlor squeezed against his temples with his thumb and middle finger. &nbsp;Simpletons. Cretins. Rascals. FOOLS! “Enough!” He shouted as he stood up, his long golden locks fluttering behind him. “In thy breath does the devil make home, in thy mind does he molest and make his own!” Karlor slammed his fist down hard against the flat of the bar. It wasn’t the first time he’d been mocked by his peers. &nbsp;They often called him mad, delusional, touched in the head. &nbsp;Nonsense. While it is true he was touched in the head, the real truth lies far deeper than anyone may realize. &nbsp;Karlor has no memory of his parents that aren’t based in fiction, but only of the clergy that raised him since he was a lad. &nbsp;Even as a child he was righteous, bombastic, driven, a natural holy warrior. The only parent he truly knew was a stout man named Father Gregorius, a humble servant of heaven and foster parent to wayward children. &nbsp;From the outside the church looked like the picture of altruism - dedicating their lives to taking in orphans in need. In reality, the clergy carried out experiments on their youth, both mental and physical. &nbsp;They were obsessed with the idea of creating an ultimate specimen in the image of the true gods of old. &nbsp;They weren’t just a clergy, they were a cult creating simic hybrids, humanoids enhanced with animalistic features. &nbsp;Karlor underwent such enhancements as a boy, leading to his eyes gaining a very bulging, toad-like appearance, a pair of bronze colored tentacle protruding from his shoulder blades, and a translucent membrane beneath his arms that could retract into his armpits, but when active spread wide like wings. &nbsp;Karlor became favored by the church. He was a true child of god. Though they broke his body, they could not break his mind. Karlor’s resolve was unrivaled. &nbsp;From a young age he had escaped into a fantastic dream of heroism. He wished to be a driving force of justice in the world, to right all of its wrongs. &nbsp;He became fearless and certain. The oath he swore was that of the righteous - to protect the downtrodden and to destroy the wicked. He left the church during one fateful night after seeing clearly their corrupting influence, but the church would not leave him. &nbsp;He was a superior specimen, afterall. A child of god. Karlor could not find rest in this endless pursuit, so he instead traveled from town to town where he found work as a mercenary or city guard. Time, destiny, death - they all have one thing in common, they are patient. &nbsp;They all come to those who wait, but so does life. So does adventure. So does heroism. &nbsp;Karlor longs for a life of excitement, where he may find a squire to train to become a model citizen, like himself. &nbsp;He wants to find a bard to sing songs of his heroics so that all will know of the good he’s done in the world. He seeks a sculptor to erect statues of him in every major city. &nbsp;He wants to be the face of justice. A reminder to all evil that a light shines through the shadows. Karlor has waited long enough for this moment, and he can feel it now, the electric tingle of destiny. &nbsp;His hairs stand on end as a familiar volcanic heat surges through him. The time is nigh. One Good Trait: Karlor will never abandon a person in need, nor a friend.&nbsp; He is a valiant protect and pillar of justice until he draws his last breath. One Bad Flaw: Karlor can be reckless in his assessment of danger.&nbsp; He may even be called foolhardy.&nbsp;&nbsp; Additional note: I'm not married to this character.&nbsp; I've got others I could play, but I'm very passionate about RP and character acting.&nbsp; It's tough to find groups that facilitate that, so if you're having any doubts I'd love to speak with you on voice through discord so we could get a better feel for each other :D
Actually, I've changed my mind on the schedules!&nbsp; The correct time line would be:&nbsp; ++++++++++ Bi-weekly sessions: Every Tuesday and Thursday night starting @ 7 - 7:30 pm EST ++++++++++++++

Edited 1539803405
I see that there are a couple replies, however if there are any changes, or is additional availability, please give me consideration. Thanks,&nbsp; -Kevin -Required- Name/Nickname: Kevin/Kagey Age: 53 (Been playing since the late 70's (78 I believe) but please don't hold it against me, I'm a nice guy!) Timezone: Eastern Day/Time Available: Any but Wednesday when I play with my Son and his group at night. -Required Roleplay Not Optional- Character Name: Krusk Grimfield Place of birth: Thorn Hill, The Barrens (Following a Raid by Orcs) Appearance: Krusk has thick black hair that hangs lank and heavy past his shoulders.&nbsp; His small eyes peer suspiciously from beneath heavy, angry brows.&nbsp; His small nose sits above a heavy, jutting jaw with protruding fangs which are even more prominent for the fact that his face is clean shaven.&nbsp; This fact is unusual as most half-orcs are known to wear a fringe of a beard to minimize the most clearly orcish feature on most of their faces.&nbsp; He is tall, well over six foot and stands straight, likely owing this to his human heritage, however his musculature is clearly orcish, thick and heavy.&nbsp; He wears a travelling cloak that is pulled around him, seeming to fully cover his upper body, and only his leather clad legs and boots are visible.&nbsp; These are travel stained and dusty.&nbsp; The edge of an axe back can be seen hanging from one side and over one shoulder hangs a quiver and bow.&nbsp;&nbsp; Preferred Class: Ranger or Fighter -Optional but recommended- Background: Krusk was born in Thorn Hill a few month following a raid.&nbsp; His mother kept his birth a secret... for a time, but eventually his presence was discovered.&nbsp; Life for the young half-orc was not easy, and as he grew it did not become any easier.&nbsp; He often took refuge in the hills, away from the taunts, and painful switches of the jeering children.&nbsp; Like other Half-orc's, he felt all things intensely, his passions burned, the jabs and jeers were never forgotten.&nbsp; He had a few things going for him however, first, he matured faster, and thus grew faster, bigger, and stronger.&nbsp; Soon he was larger and more powerful than all but the largest warrior in town.&nbsp; Second, his time in the hills had caught the interest of an old ranger, who over the years had watched the Half-orc.&nbsp; &nbsp;He never destroyed the land, he never tortured his kills, he always respected the gifts nature provided.&nbsp; Eventually the ranger began to meet the young man, and then they talked, then conversed.&nbsp; Soon the ranger was teaching the half-orc how to read the land, how to listen to game sign, learn the secrets that only those who live in harmony with the land know.&nbsp; &nbsp;Eventually there came the day where Krusk found he didn't need to return to Thorn Hill, the hills could provide for all he needed, and trade would get him the rest.&nbsp; He shouldered his meager belongings, wrapped himself in his old, travel stained cloak, and set off to seek his fate. One Good Trait:&nbsp; Will always help those in need, particularly the underdog, the disliked, the despised, and the hated.&nbsp;&nbsp; One Bad Flaw: Quick to anger.&nbsp; When angry can give in to his orcish nature and commit chaotic/unlawful acts.&nbsp;&nbsp; *Note* I tend to use a voice for my character to help with immersiveness and to help with the ic/ooc determination.&nbsp;