This is somewhat of a resurrection of a game that I ran a few years ago but with new players.  The Game will be VtR 2.0 played sometime midweek.  I'm not sure exactly which day, but the time will be 7 pm EST start and go to 11 or 12.  Some of the meta has been house-ruled.  Game will start mortal, and we'll play through the embrace.  Please tell me which TWO clans you want to play.   When you're actually embraced in game there isn't total control.  I'm looking for mundane characters and concepts only.  To underline this, no attribute can be under 2 or above 4 at creation.  Each dot needs to be justified.  Main themes of the game focus on being a vampire, "me vs myself, who I am vs what I am, and what I want vs what I need."  There will  be some politics, but only as a seasoning; it wont be the focus of the game.  Please have the book, or a pdf, and have read it.  Feel free to add me on discord for questions or character concepts:  ddickerson#1572