A short but very bulky man in a coat slithers into the Guild Hall late one night and casually seats himself at a table with some Guild members, looking at each of them in turn, but saying nothing. Much of his face is hidden behind an enormous, bushy black beard, which seems at odds with his bright blond eyebrows. As the conversation dies down around him, he starts to speak in a deep voice that seems contrived somehow, "So, how would some of you folks like to..." He trails off as he notices that each word he says causes more hair from his beard to fall out onto the table, which causes him to mumble, "Damn potion was supposed to last twelve hours. I'm gonna get that guy." He attempts to continue without showing too much frustration, "Would any of you fine people like something a bit... medicinal? Maybe something to help you out with your troubles? Maybe something to make your life a little easier?" Upon seeing the confused looks, he opens his trench coat, revealing a plethora of powders, potions, and other items. With his newly revealed hairless face, his diminutive form under the coat, and his overly "deep" voice, it is clearly recognizable that this man is in fact a child on stilts. Upon seeing that the Guild members recognize his true nature, the salesman becomes slightly flummoxed and states in a much higher-pitched voice, "All right, all right, you got me. If you don't tell anyone, I can give you a pretty sweet deal and maybe even throw in a little something extra for my loyal and trustworthy customers." This merchant will sell you any potion or consumable at 60% of the list
price (so 40% discount). In addition, if you purchase more than five items from him, he will give one of the following items for free (limit one per character): WD-4000 (Consumable): As a free action, this item can be applied to a lock, hinge, or other metal object, granting the user a +2 bonus to Thievery checks to pick the lock or a +2 bonus to Stealth checks to move the item silently. On a check of a natural 1, the solution corrodes the metal item, making it unworkable. Jar of Local Dragon Bee Honey (Consumable): This honey is prized among Dragonborn and other Draconic folk. Consuming this honey causes your body to release pheromones that are very mollifying to Dragons, Dragonborn, Lizardmen, and other reptilian creatures, granting a +2 bonus to all Charisma-based checks with such creatures for eight hours. On a check of a natural 1, your body produces fear and aggression pheromones instead, causing any reptilian creatures you encounter for the next eight hours to attack you in rage. Neither of the above items can be sold for any value or transferred to other characters outside of a session. Please post/RP your purchases below! The merchant will leave Sunday, November 4 at 23:59 Pacific time . Credit: the idea for this merchant came from Melissa because I did not feel like being creative this morning.