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Standardized descriptions for adventures needed

I appreciate the wealth of Marketplace content available for Roll20. However, I frequently see products that offer very little information that would allow a DM to make an informed purchase. Some do, of course, but many don't. If I’m going to spend my limited dollars, I want to know exactly what I’m getting — no fluff, hyperbole, or vagueness, please. There should be some kind of universal standard for the descriptive text and screenshots that appear with each Marketplace product. Besides the usual info (character level and number, Jukebox-enabled or not, number of maps / NPCs / statted tokens, etc.), here are my suggestions: A clear indication (in bold, at top, same place each time) of whether the product is a module or an add-on. This is an important distinction to me, as I vastly prefer add-ons I can drop into my existing Roll20 game over modules that force me to start a new game, invite my same group of players, import macros, etc. Don’t make me have to scroll through the entire page and find the word “module” buried in a paragraph focused on something else. A few lines or paragraph of good descriptive text for each adventure in the product. This text should provide the setting, the main adventure hook, and how much effort is needed to integrate the adventure into a campaign or campaign setting. No fluff or fake read-aloud text from the game. If I’m looking at the entry, I’m not a player looking to find out more about the mysterious wizard who is terrorizing the town. I’m a DM who wants to know as much about this adventure as possible.   One or two lines, at minimum, that convey what makes this particular product unique. If there’s a memorable villain, or a wild map, or a great storyline, or a killer puzzle, or whatever, let us know! Larger and more representative screenshots so I can get a clear sense of whether the layout, maps, tokens, etc. are to my taste. p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px 'Book Antiqua'; min-height: 14.0px} p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px 'Book Antiqua'}
Roll20 Team
Thanks for the suggestion, Jay. This is something I've actually been slowly implementing across products manually, and hard coding them is part of my future planning so there is no way they are skipped. Your message gives me a little boost to continue with the manual integration more quickly while waiting on future upgrade requests. Thanks!
Forum Champion
The Aaron, a member of the Community Forums, has compiled some wonderful factual information and fact tables about many of the module products. Some of the fact-based stats he has tracked per module in past releases are Number Of Tokens, Number of Pages (Maps), whether the tokens are linked to Character Sheets or not, whether they have Token Actions set up or not, Number of Handouts, and so on.
Gold said: The Aaron, a member of the Community Forums, has compiled some wonderful factual information and fact tables about many of the module products. Some of the fact-based stats he has tracked per module in past releases are Number Of Tokens, Number of Pages (Maps), whether the tokens are linked to Character Sheets or not, whether they have Token Actions set up or not, Number of Handouts, and so on. Where might one actually find this information?
Dean said: Thanks for the suggestion, Jay. This is something I've actually been slowly implementing across products manually, and hard coding them is part of my future planning so there is no way they are skipped. Your message gives me a little boost to continue with the manual integration more quickly while waiting on future upgrade requests. Thanks! Thank you! Good to know that this is in the pipeline.
Roll20 Team
In the meantime, Jay, one hint to see if it's an addon or module is it says in the URL - gameaddon for addons, module for modules. Hope that helps your preference a little at least :)