You explore the few buildings of Port Castigliar and find a cache of supplies - food, healing potions and weapons. You take a great deal of the food, all of the potions and none of the weapons and decide to camp in the jungle for the night. You bid farewell to Orten Dark and Swift and his crew and make camp a little way in cover. After you have made camp, you hear noise and it is a group of Flaming Fist mercenaries entering the port. They curse loudly when they see their supplies have been taken, but make camp on the beach and start drinking. You move further into the jungle.  The next day you head down the beach towards Mezro. You camp off the beach for a night and find yourself arriving on the outskirts of Mezro that afternoon. It is a massive ruin of a city. Four main avenues to the north, south, east, and west meet at a central plaza. The whole ruin has subsided over the centuries, so that water from the River Olung flows over the ancient wharfs. Despite that, two ships are tethered to the wharves. Crumbling, vine-covered buildings rise above the flooded streets that are now more like canals than roadways. The site is eerily quiet, despite the fact that you can clearly see Flaming Fist mercenaries walking through the streets - 4 seperate groups. You decide that rather than risk an interaction with the mercenaries, you will take the long way and skirt around the city. You move slightly into the jungle to do so without being seen, but almost immediately head off in the wrong direction and are lost. You spend the next two weeks wandering aimlessly in the jungle trying to get a bearing on where you are. You fight ghouls, zombie eating cannibals, snakes, zombies and a zombie tyrannosaurus rex. You also meet a rough looking fellow who is seeking Artus Cimber. You eventually while wandering in the rain stumble across a landmark - Firefinger. You are way off track, but you get your bearings and head back in the correct direction.  After almost another week of travel you find yourself back at the river. But the river is a long way down at the bottom of a gorge. There is a way to cross however, a short way to the north is a gaping chasm crossed by an ancient stone span. Monkeys perch on its walls and hang by their tails from its underside. The monkeys are a mix of living monkeys and ancient carvings that are part of the bridge. Most of the carvings have been damaged by time, but the skilled artistry remains apparent. The living monkeys chatter and shriek continually, and the gorge echoes with the sound of their cries. Occasionally, the echoes from up and down the gorge overlap in a way that transforms the cacophony into haughty, gloating laughter. When that happens, the terrified monkeys fall silent for several minutes as the “laughter” dies away before resuming their chatter. Symbolic mazes are carved prominently onto the bridge and its supports. B'urp knows that maze symbols and the solving of mazes are associated with the ancient worship of Ubtao. A stone shrine stands at the midpoint of the bridge. It consists of an imposing statue of a Chultan warrior wearing a war mask, hunkered down like a panther ready to pounce. Like the monkeys elsewhere on the bridge, the carving is highly stylized. Bright gems flash in its eye sockets. Directly in front of the statue is a carving of a simple maze. B'urp knows that the required homage involves placing a fingertip at the center of one of the bridge’s mazelike carvings and tracing an unbroken path past the statue.  He steps confidently forward and starts tracing his finger through the maze, but in his cockiness ends up with his finger at a dead end. Immediately the statue animates and starts rumbling towards you. You try several tactics to try and knock it off the bridge unsuccessfully, and B'urp ends up on the side of the bridge being attacked by monkeys. Denny tries to get close and climbs to the top of one of the statues on the side of the bridge, but the animated statue takes a massive swing, destroying the statue that Denny is perched on and flinging the statue and Denny out over the gorge. Denny scrabbles to try and grab some of the vines hanging from the bridge as he falls, but they are too far away. He plummets 100 feet into scrub below. He is no longer moving. The rest of you scramble to get off the bridge and climb down the side of the gorge to get to Denny. Besh is not the best climber and slips, falling into the gorge himself and knocking himself unconcious. Tywrong climbs down, heals Besh and everyone rushes to Denny. But it is too late. He is dead....