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Frustration with Macros and Roll Templates

For the longest time the only single function I would have liked macros to have, is reference the same roll multiple times. If I want to show a roll as [[The Roll]] + ?{Modifier|0} = [[The Roll + ?{Modifier}]] that is... impossible essentially, as far as I can see. That is essentially what I am trying to do in roll templates, but I can't nest rolls, so I can't actually add these two numbers together afterwards. My roll template wont work properly without the roll being by itself, because some systems have different levels of crit, which I am showing as light blue, blue, light green and green in my roll template. Even then that reminds me... I can't modify the little roll box, and for the longest time I had to script this roller just to have the functionality that I just mentioned. I can do plenty of CSS magic to at least make something that equates to what I want, but I cannot do that until I am capable of separating roll and modifier and then add them together again. I would really like not to use a scripted roller, since this should honestly be possible in the first place. If this functionality does exist, it is definitely not documented. My suggestion for this ?{Name of Variable}[[My Roll]]. Now using ?{Name of Variable} I would be able to reference [[My Roll]] (and its results) later in the macro. This would translate over to be useful for Roll Templates as well.

Edited 1541849291
For reference, this simple little thing is essentially impossible to do with the current system. And I had to build a script wrapper to be capable of this.
I feel your pain storing a number and processing it multiple times seems like an obvious choice. Boolean logic is weirdly absent as well. 
I can live without Boolean logic, simply because it can be faked with the remaining stuff anyway. rollTotal() and ^rollTotal() can be a true/false if you have a boolean input. I also don't get why we can't CSS our little inline roll boxes. I don't see what harm that could cause? Honestly, I could see some really awesome shit that can happen with it, allowing you to edit it to do what you want it to do, for different systems that runs way different. I could see color coded "hit die" be really nice for games like Iron Kingdoms, as it is a bit intuitive. I might even be inclined to do a rollTotal() for each and every result on the d20 (in my example it is a d20) to emulate the boxes I made myself. (Those are not the normal roll boxes, it is a number in a span, no hover). Even THAT I can live with... but I cannot make this without scripts without a way to add two rolls together. Yeah, it has to be two rolls, because having a modifier adds the + 5 and not having it removes it, as well as the Difficulty Reduction. For that it has to be a "Roll" but that is just [[?{Modifier|0}]] in the.
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
I'd certainly love to be able to reuse rolls as well, however,  you can in fact CSS the inline rolls (unless you mean the hover text, which I haven't tried). Here's a sample of the inline roll styling from the official Starfinder sheet. You can find the full styling in the css file on the repo.: .sheet-rolltemplate-sf_generic .inlinerollresult, .sheet-rolltemplate-sf_attack .inlinerollresult, .sheet-rolltemplate-sf_spell .inlinerollresult, .sheet-rolltemplate-sf_ship .inlinerollresult, .sheet-rolltemplate-sf_ship .sheet-across.sheet-ship-crit *{ background-color:transparent; border:0px transparent !important; font-weight:700; font-size:13pt; line-height:1.4em; font-family:Contrail One; }
As far as I was aware, all classes that is personally typed in is .sheet-'ed before being applied. This may be a new feature then, since I did try to CSS the .inlinerollresult and was promptly denied by the .sheet- prefix :) It may be due to it being an official Starfinder sheet? Well, it wont really matter, at least to me until there is a way to reuse a roll. I might try it out tomorrow.

Edited 1541867445
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
No, it's not because it's an official sheet, I was doing the same thing back when the starfinder sheet was just the Starfinder HUD, one of many community sheets. You do need to specify the roll template in which you are modifying the inline roll result, it won't let you do a global change to all inline roll results; so if you take out the .sheet-rolltemplate-sf_... class declaration at the start, then it won't do anything. That may have been your problem.
Fair enough. I was not aware of that. Would have been nice having an exception to their strict sandboxing documented :)