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Type Chat issues

Hello, over the last month i experienced during my games the chat disappearing for no reasons in session. The group find out we had to activate the chat and refresh it on a whole other window each time we typed or rolled something... I eventually got fed up and told everyone(5 players) to leave the game 5 minutes and deletes all the chat manually in lobby of my game. ( I could not delete it otherwise if a player was left in the game trying to do it. ) Doing this chore solved the problem and we could type again normaly... My question is: Is this normal ? is this the way to go ? Am i at the limit of my free subscription storage that even my chat gets affected?
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Hi Cedric, sometimes the chat can get corrupted (common causes are broken roll templates or macros) leading to the behaviour you've seen. In these situations deleting the chat log from the game details page is the only solution. If it regularly occurs please do let us know so we can attempt to get some diagnostic information from your game. Thanks
Merci Ziechael ! I will let you know... it was the second time it append, i play weekly... so nothing of a red alert of anything.  If it appends again i will let you know
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
You are welcome, I'll mark this report as resolved (the credit goes to you for resolving it yourself however!). If it happens again I'll leave you with this parting suggestion, please follow  Step 4  of the solving technical issues guide and post a new bug thread with the full console log from the point of the chat not working and before you delete the corrupted chat history. The same fix will solve the problem but the more info we can gather for the devs the sooner we may be able to stop it forever :)