You take the time to cremate Denny and bury the remains. B'urp is fairly annoyed at the waste of good meat. You have made your way to the other side of the river, so you start heading south towards Kir Sabal. However on the first night, B'urp disappears. You look all around and find the footprints of multiple grung on the ground near the camp. It seems likely that B'urp has been abducted by some grung. You try and follow the trail, but it just suddenly ends. You can see some broken branches in the nearby trees and it is obvious that the grung have started travelling via treetop. It is impossible to follow them. That means that suddenly your party is at half strength with only Tywrong and Besh remaining. You press on towards Kir Sabal and follow the river for several days. However as you get close enough to see the plateau of Kir Sabal on the horizon, you are suddenly ambushed by 3 giant scorpions  Besh is immediately trapped in their giant claws while Tywrong attacks them with ranged attacks. They manage to drive one away, but then Besh is squeezed unconscious by the scorpions. The two scorpions fight over Besh's body until one cracks the carapace of another, killing it. The final scorpion prepares to pick up Besh's unconcious form, but Tywrong in a moment of heroism decends from his vantage point and fights the scorpion one on one. The Scorpion grabs him in one claw and stabs its tail into him, filling him with poison. Tywrong dies a painful death, but in doing so he saves Besh's life. This final remaining scorpion takes Tywrong's corpse away to feast and several hours later Besh comes around. He uses his magic to heal himself, but he is now alone, far from civilisation, in the jungle and with the knowledge that if he fails in his quest it may be the end of the world...