New at DM'ing on roll20, so sorry if this is a dumb question.

So, I'm trying to get my creature macros to always chat as the selected token, I have tried following the directions on this thread.

But to no luck. 

The Macro I am trying to get to work is.

/as "@{selected|token_name}" 

To be used with

#as &{template:DnD35StdRoll} {{basicflag=true}} {{name=Feeding Frenzy (Ex)}} {{subtags=The smell of blood}} {{subtags2=excites the swarm.}} {{damage= [[ 2d6 ]] Piercing}} {{notes=Against a foe taking bleed damage, a piranha swarm deals extra damage.}} 

Could anyone give me a hand with this so I can apply it to all my creature's abilities, so I don't have to use the drop down every time a monster does something? 

Thanks for any help anyone can offer! Much appreciated!