Hi folks, Just wondering if anyone has made a script that would allow the collection of player rolls to average against a certain DC? I have a vague sense of how this might be done in the API, but I don't want to smash my face against a wall trying to make it work if someone's already cracked that nut ;) edit: I am aware of Kyle's awesome GroupCheck script, but it is more DM focused in my opinion and it would take away player-agency if I used it to roll these group checks. For reference on Group Checks (from the 5e PHB): Group Checks When a number of individuals are trying to accomplish something as a group, the DM might ask for a group ability check. In such a situation, the characters who are Skilled at a particular task help cover those who aren’t. To make a group ability check, everyone in the group makes the ability check. If at least half the group succeeds, the whole group succeeds. Otherwise, the group fails. Group Checks don’t come up very often, and they’re most useful when all the characters succeed or fail as a group. For example, when adventurers are navigating a swamp, the DM might call for a group Wisdom (Survival) check to see if the characters can avoid the quicksand, sinkholes, and other natural hazards of The Environment . If at least half the group succeeds, the successful characters are able to guide their companions out of danger. Otherwise, the group stumbles into one of these hazards.