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LFP who would like to learn Pathfinder,World of Warcraft Tabletop RPG, or Call of Cthulu tonight

I am willing to teach players these games in a quick session tonight and possibly other nights. The one that gets the most interest will be the one we play. PM me your email if interested.
im down if other people are
I assume rulebooks are needed by the players for the likes of Pathfinder, Call of Cthulu, etc?
We'll be using quickstart rules for WoW or CoC if they are picked and the Beginner's Box with Pathfinder
I've decided I'm gonna do the WoW RPG.

Edited 1394595241
I am interested in Call of Cthulhu but I am open to learning other games.
could you run a campaign? a couple of other people & I got together & just need a GM to run a campaign, starting tonight with the charater creation & backstory, & continuing every sunday night at about 6 pm Mountain time .