Judgement NY is coming soon and needs players.  This is a 4 th edition GURPS campaign to be played weekly.  Group max out at 6 players.  This is a campaign that is a part of the Judgement Chronicles series.  It is the beginning of January 2019 and the city of New York has lost all forms of power just a few minutes before three in the morning.  Around the same time portions of almost every bridge, except the Lincoln tunnel (bridge) suffered explosive damage that has left them missing at least a mile of bridge.  It is in the dark city that our players are located when the outage happened.  Each of the PCs are in the Hotel called the Plaza in Manhattan, the planes and everything else that fell out of the sky has crashed somewhere and no one is in danger of any more fallen objects.   The city is in a state of emergency and not one siren has been heard.  Some people who left the hotel on foot have come back, many of the hotel staff that lived nearby have not returned.  You and the rest of your party will have to figure out what is going on and survive the current situation to make matters worse, some people have stated that some people where seen on the streets and snatched in the air screaming by flying people or creatures, the stories differ.  Some that where snatched up fell to their deaths or disappeared.  Others have been attacked and fought off assailants who had some sort of wings.  You have heard some say the attackers where monsters, some say they were demons or angles.    What is the meaning of all that is occurring and what does it mean for the future of New York and those on the island?   Games are played on Saturdays at 10pm pacific (GMT-8) first game begins on 01-05-19 Yes this time is right it is a Pacific Late Night Game, 8 PM for anyone who lives in Honolulu and 6 am in London! Judgement NY Listing